Powerful Conversations: How High Impact Leaders Communicate

  • 7h 41m 27s
  • Phil Harkins
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2017

POWERFUL CONVERSATIONS is packed with goal-oriented strategies, tools, and real-life examples from great leaders. Use its deliberate, directed techniques to achieve exceptional levels of performance, create and maintain valuable relationships, and forward the goals of both yourself and your organization with every word you speak. Mastering the three stages of a Powerful Conversation―from shared feelings and beliefs, to an exchange of wants and needs, closing with action steps and mutual commitments―will help you exercise more control over your interactions, and greatly enhance both your leadership skills and your success.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1: Powerful Conversations and High-Impact Leaders
  • Chapter 2: The Structure and Impact of Powerful Conversations
  • Chapter 3: The Types of Powerful Conversations
  • Chapter 4: The Swamp: Getting Into and Out of Bad Conversations
  • Chapter 5: Difficult Conversations
  • Chapter 6: Powerful Conversations and Trust
  • Chapter 7: The Agenda for Change
  • Chapter 8: Passionate Champions
  • Chapter 9: Retaining Great People
  • Chapter 10: The Voice of Leadership