Poke the Box

  • 2h 15m 3s
  • Seth Godin
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2011

We send our kids to school and obsess about their test scores, their behavior and their ability to fit in. We post a help wanted ad and look for experience, famous colleges and a history of avoiding failure. We invest in companies based on how they did last quarter, not on what they’re going to do tomorrow. So why are we surprised when it all falls apart? Our economy is not static, but we act as if it is. Your position in the world is defined by what you instigate, how you provoke, and what you learn from the events you cause. In a world filled with change, that’s what matters — your ability to create and learn from change. Poke the Box is a manifesto about producing something that’s scarce, and thus valuable. It demands that you stop waiting for a road map and start drawing one instead. You know how to do this, you’ve done it before, but along the way, someone talked you out of it. We need your insight and your dreams and your contributions. Hurry.

In this Audiobook

  • The Initiator
  • Your Turn
  • This is a Manifesto about Starding
  • The Seventh Imperative
  • The Difference of Go
  • Craig Venter and Dr. Frankenstein
  • The Buzzer Box
  • The Elements of Production
  • Walking in Circles
  • Who Says Yes?
  • Poke the Box
  • What Can You Start?
  • When Can You Start?
  • Kinds of Capital
  • Double Double
  • Is Flux the Same as Risk?
  • The Trail of Failure
  • The Epidemic
  • The First Rule of Doing Work That Matters
  • Naps.Google.com
  • Your Ego and Your Project
  • Redefining Quality
  • Brainwashed by the Pit Boss
  • Why is This Mediocre?
  • When in Doubt?
  • Where did Curious Go?
  • Pick Me, Pick Me
  • The Promoter and the Organizer
  • Entrepreneurship is Merely a Special Case
  • The Season's Pass
  • No Free Lunch
  • Check-in, Chicken
  • The Lizard Mis-Understand the Economics of Poking
  • Polish This
  • The Semmelweis Imperative
  • Welcome to Project World
  • The Ford System is Dead, Long Live the Ford System
  • What Happened to Excellence?
  • Business Development
  • What Next?
  • If You See Something, Say Something
  • The Epic Battle between Allowed and Not Allowed
  • The Death of Idealism
  • Please! Don't Tell Woodie
  • I Wonder What Would Happen
  • Three Thousand TED talks
  • The Joy of Wrong
  • The World is a Lot More Complicated than it Appears
  • This Might Not Work
  • Attempt
  • Take a Lid off it
  • Starting Implies (No Starting Demands) Finishing
  • Notions Belong in the Sewing Store, Not in Your Work
  • Shipping and Fear
  • The Initiator as Outsider
  • Jim Thinks I Have a Crazy Brain
  • Winning the Halloween Contest (Now vs. Later)
  • The Kid Who Made a Ruckus
  • The Best Thing I Ever Done
  • How Did You End up with This Job?
  • The Person Who Fails the Most Usually Wins
  • Juggling is about Throwing, Not Catching
  • A Paradox of Success
  • How to Walk to Cleveland
  • The Go of Science
  • The Fear of Wrong
  • 10,000 Hours, Hard Work, and an Overnight Success
  • The Market is Obsessed with Novelty
  • Organizing for Joy
  • To Be Really Clear
  • How to Do vs. What to Do
  • There is No “Just” in “Just Do it”
  • The Adventures of Andre and Wally B
  • The Space between the Frames
  • Why Growth Happens Early
  • The Right Thing to Do
  • A Lunch Meeting
  • When it all Falls Apart
  • Not What I Expected to Find?
  • What Could You Build?
  • Poking Twitter
  • If You Can't Fail, it Doesn't Count
  • When Public School Forbids the Act of Starting
  • The Expensive Act of Planning on Late
  • Dandelion Mind
  • Riding a Bike and Being an Adult
  • What to Do with Good Ideas?
  • Start, and Then Ship Can't Do the Second, If You Don't do the First
  • Fear on the Left, Fear on the Right
  • Buzzer Management
  • Fear of Hubris
  • Starting as a Way of Life
  • Safe