Love + Work: How to Find What You Love, Love What You Do, and Do It for the Rest of Your Life
- 6h 43m 27s
- Marcus Buckingham
- Gildan Media
- 2022
Love has been driven out of our workplaces. How do we get it back in?
We're in the middle of an epidemic of stress and anxiety. Average life expectancy in the US is down. At work, less than sixteen percent of us are fully engaged. In many high-stress jobs such as distribution centers, emergency room nursing, and teaching, incidences of PTSD are higher than veterans returning from war zones.
We are getting something terribly wrong. Our workplaces fail utterly to provide for or capitalize on one of our most basic human needs: our need for love.
As Marcus Buckingham shows in this eye-opening, uplifting book, love is an energy, and it must flow. It demands expression—and that expression is "work." There's no learning without love, no innovation, no service, no sustainable growth. Love and work are inextricable.
Buckingham first starkly highlights the contours of our loveless work lives and explains how we got here. Next, he relates how we all develop best in response to another human being. What does a great work relationship look like when the other person is cued to your loves? Finally, he shows how you can weave love back into the world of work, and how to make this a discipline for the rest of your life.
Love + Work powerfully shows why love must come first at work, and how we can make this happen.
About the Author
Marcus Buckingham spent seventeen years at Gallup, where he conducted research into the world’s best leaders, managers, and workplaces. The Gallup research later became the basis for the bestselling books First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths, both of which he coauthored. Buckingham has been the subject of in-depth profiles in the New York Times, Fortune, Businessweek, and Fast Company. In 2007 he founded the Marcus Buckingham Company to create strengths-based management training solutions for organizations worldwide, and now spreads the strengths message in keynote addresses to over 250,000 people around the globe each year. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and children.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1 - Introductions
Chapter 2 - Where Did the Love Go?:An Epidemic of Lost People
Chapter 3 - Your Wyrd: <And You’re Amazing>
Chapter 4 - Love Is Attention: Why Doesn’t George Clooney’s Sister Act?
Chapter 5 - Instinct: Can I Be the King?
Chapter 6 - Flow: Find Your Red Threads
Chapter 7 - It Just Clicks: Dr. Don, Strengths Finder
Chapter 8 - Love Lives in the Details: Does It Matter If … ?
Chapter 9 - Group-Think: You Are Not Where You’re From
Chapter 10 - The Excellence Curse: Your Strengths Are Not What You’re Good At
Chapter 11 - Mis-Instinct: What’s Really Happening in the Room Where It Happens?
Chapter 12 - Feedbacking: The Road to Hell Is Paved with Other People’s Advice
Chapter 13 - Fear-Fighting: Make Love to Your Fears
Chapter 14 - Rate-Me-Rank-Me: When You Compare, You Disappear
Chapter 15 - Suckitup: Love Is Not a Luxury
Chapter 16 - I See You, I Love You: Your Love + Work Relationship
Chapter 17 - A Scavenger Hunt for Love: Your Love + Work Career
Chapter 18 - Love @ Work: How to Become a Love + Work Leader
Chapter 19 - Love in Learning: Why It Is Missing and How You Can Get It Back
Chapter 20 - Your Children Are Not Your Children: One Thing I Hope You Learned from Your Parents