Enter the Meta

  • 9h 20m 20s
  • Colette Bennett
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2024

Lissa is obsessed with Ancestral, the latest and greatest battle arena co-op game out there—and she's really good at it. If she wants to get to the top, she will have to band together with her best friend Ji-Soo—and their friends Ray, Zio, Jae-Jin, and Lucas—to become Team Phoenix. With the support of former pro Esport-player, Devon, Team Phoenix trains day and night for the upcoming Regional Championships.

But the road to victory has its twists and turns: Lissa is haunted by the loss of her brother, Ji-Soo's got a crush on Jae-Jin, and they're up against the number one team in the region, Mastermind, a group of frat boys who aren't afraid to play dirty. The odds feel stacked against them, but Team Phoenix is determined to rise from the ashes.

About the Author

Colette Bennett is a journalist with 15 years of experience in storytelling and a particular passion for fantastical worlds. Her past work can be found on CNN, HLN, TheStreet, Colourlovers, Engadget, Destructoid, and Kotaku. Her essays and poetry have been featured in Norwegian print magazine AftenPolten Innsikt, literary journal NonBinary Review, and tech culture magazine Continue. Her short stories can also be found in the anthologies "The Corona Book of Science Fiction" and "The Corona Book of Horror."

She is currently at work on a new scifi novel, "Chasing the Ema."

In this Audiobook

  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - The World of Ancestral
  • Chapter 2 - Lissa
  • Chapter 3 - Bubble Pop!
  • Chapter 4 - The Little Fighter
  • Chapter 5 - Beating the Unbeatable
  • Chapter 6 - Ji-Soo
  • Chapter 7 - Spectre
  • Chapter 8 - The Man in a Red Cap
  • Chapter 9 - Mastermind
  • Chapter 10 - A Special Announcement
  • Chapter 11 - Modding the Orb
  • Chapter 12 - Player Two
  • Chapter 13 - Know Thy Enemy
  • Chapter 14 - Leaders
  • Chapter 15 - A Tiny Connection
  • Chapter 16 - Replicants
  • Chapter 17 - Don’t Get Cocky
  • Chapter 18 - A Friend in the Dark
  • Chapter 19 - Driving Forward
  • Chapter 20 - The Challenge
  • Chapter 21 - The Match
  • Chapter 22 - Sore Winners
  • Chapter 23 - Are You There?
  • Chapter 24 - One More Week
  • Chapter 25 - Lana’s Secret
  • Chapter 26 - One More Day
  • Chapter 27 - Regionals: Opening Ceremony
  • Chapter 28 - Regionals: Match One
  • Chapter 29 - How Far We’ve Come
  • Chapter 30 - Regionals: Final Match
  • Chapter 31 - After a Victory
  • Epilogue