Deb Bright on Learning to Love Criticism

  • 34m 26s
  • Deb Bright
  • 2014

In The Truth Doesn't Have to Hurt: How to Use Criticism to Strengthen Relationships, Improve Performance, and Promote Change, author Deb Bright talks about criticism's bad reputation and the stigma that is attached to it in the workplace. She argues that criticism is actually more beneficial than not and that its sole purpose is to help someone do something better, achieve goals, and grow personally and professionally. The purpose of the book, Bright says, is to give givers and receivers of criticism the skills they need in order to communicate with one another and have productive conversations that build trust and respect. Deb gives listeners techniques such as "quick charges" in order to help them receive criticism better and utilize it in the best way possible.

In this Audiobook

  • AMA Edgewise: Deb Bright on Learning to Love Criticism
  • Introduction
  • Interview
  • Conclusion