COVID-19 Miniseries: Mayo Clinic Q&A -- COVID-19 Mortality Study Shows Effectiveness of Team-Based Care

  • 21m
  • Halena M. Gazelka, M.D., John O'Horo, M.D., M.P.H.
  • Mayo Clinic Health Solutions
  • 2021

A recent Mayo Clinic study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedingsfound that patients with COVID-19 who received care at Mayo Clinic had lower mortality rates than the national average. Mayo Clinic patients were treated using an integrated, team-based approach for patient monitoring and treatment. On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. John O'Horo, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases physician and the study's first author, discusses the study results and explains how the Mayo Clinic Model of Care improves outcomes for patients.

In this Audiobook

  • Mayo Clinic Talk with John O'Horo, M.D., M.P.H. and Halena M. Gazelka, M.D. on COVID-19 Mortality Study Shows Effectiveness of Team-Based Care