Bosses, Coworkers, and Building Great Work Relationships: HBR Work Smart Series

  • 3h 39m 32s
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Gildan Media
  • 2024

I'm not here to make work friends. Or am I?

Managers, peers, work friends, mentors, frenemies, annoying people, romantic interests, people with awful politics, your boss's boss, and so on . . . we probably spend more hours with our coworkers than with anyone else. So even if they're not all perfect, it's worth it to build connections that will provide you with support, help you network and learn, and keep your career moving forward.

Bosses, Coworkers, and Building Great Work Relationships is filled with practical advice from HBR experts that can help you answer questions like: What should I do to show my boss I'm ready for a bigger role? How do I connect with people and make real friends at work? Is there a way to have tough conversations without setting myself up for drama? When should I opt in (or out) of office politics? What can I do to fix things after an awkward situation? How can I quiet my mind when I'm anxious about what other people think of me?

This book will help you make so-so work relationships better, keep the bad ones from bringing you down, and build lasting connections with incredible people.

About the Author

Harvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, 12 international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and digital content and tools published on, Harvard Business Review provides professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact.

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In this Audiobook

  • Introduction: The Two Key Ingredients to Great Work Relationships
  • Chapter 1 - How to Talk to Your Boss About Your Career Development
  • Chapter 2 - Twenty-Eight Questions to Ask Your Manager in Your One-on-Ones
  • Chapter 3 - Three Ways to Say No to Your Boss
  • Chapter 4 - How to Deal with a Jealous Manager
  • Chapter 5 - How to Give Negative Feedback to Your Manager
  • Chapter 6 - How to Have a Successful Meeting with Your Boss’s Boss
  • Chapter 7 - Three Types of Difficult Coworkers and How to Work with Them
  • Chapter 8 - New to the Team? Here’s How to Build Trust (Remotely)
  • Chapter 9 - How to Make Friends Across Age Gaps at Work
  • Chapter 10 - Yes, It’s Possible to (Gracefully) Talk Politics at Work
  • Chapter 11 - You Can’t Sit Out Office Politics
  • Chapter 12 - Is Working with Your Romantic Partner a Good Match?
  • Chapter 13 - What to Do When You Become Your Friend’s Boss
  • Chapter 14 - How to Give Negative Feedback to Your Peer
  • Chapter 15 - How to Strengthen Your Network When You’re Just Starting Out
  • Chapter 16 - When It Comes to Promotions, It’s About Who Knows You
  • Chapter 17 - Networking Skills for Professionals from Underrepresented Backgrounds
  • Chapter 18 - What’s the Difference Between a Mentor and a Sponsor?
  • Chapter 19 - What’s the Right Way to Find a Mentor?
  • Chapter 20 - Build a Circle of Advisers