Auditing for Dummies
- 16h 19m 19s
- Marie Loughran
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 2019
Want to be an auditor and need to hone your investigating skills? Look no further. This friendly guide gives you an easy-to-understand explanation of auditing - from gathering financial statements and accounting information to analyzing a client's financial position. Packed with examples, it gives you everything you need to ace an auditing course and begin a career today.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1 - Taking Auditing into Account
Chapter 2 - The Role of Auditing in Public Accounting
Chapter 3 - Understanding Professional Standards and Ethics
Chapter 4 - Getting Engaged: Preparing to Conduct an Audit
Chapter 5 - Assessing Audit Risk
Chapter 6 - Collecting and Documenting Audit Evidence
Chapter 7 - Auditing a Client's Internal Controls
Chapter 8 - Sampling the Records
Chapter 9 - The Revenue Process: Auditing How a Business Makes Money
Chapter 10 - The Purchasing Process: Auditing How a Business Spends Money
Chapter 11 - The Human Resources Process: Auditing Personnel Practices
Chapter 12 - Inventory Management: Auditing How a Business Manages its Products
Chapter 13 - Auditing Fixed and Intangible Assets
Chapter 14 - Auditing Long-Term Liabilities and Stockholder Equity
Chapter 15 - Auditing Cash and Investments
Chapter 16 - Performing Final Due Diligence
Chapter 17 - Wrapping it Up: Issuing the Report
Chapter 18 - The Spectrum of Engagement Services
Chapter 19 - Ten Procedures to Obtain Audit Evidence
Chapter 20 - Ten Tips to Stay Educated in Audit Procedures
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