75 Ways For Managers To Hire, Develop, And Keep Great Employees

  • 12h 6m 49s
  • Paul Falcone
  • Gildan Media
  • 2016

People power your business - and success can hinge on your hiring, inspiring, and keeping the right ones. As a manager, are you cultivating this vital resource? Is there more you could be doing? Are you just winging it?

Every HR executive has a laundry list of things they wish managers knew: best practices that would enable the entire organization to operate more effectively, transforming those managers into exceptional - and highly promotable - leaders.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction
  • CHAPTER 1: Effective Hiring and Selection
  • CHAPTER 2: Effective Leadership and Outstanding Communication
  • CHAPTER 3: The Importance of the Written Record
  • CHAPTER 4: Avoiding Litigation Land Mines
  • CHAPTER 5: Inspiring Employee Engagement
  • CHAPTER 6: Putting It All Together


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