A STAR is Born

Creating a Competitive Advantage Through Learning

One thousand jobs were at risk. HCL Technology had staffed up to focus on an industry that was going through difficult times. If they didn’t figure out something fast, 1,000 employees would lose their jobs. People who counted on this job to pay the bills and take care of their families.

Unfortunately, those 1,000 people had skills, but industry–specific skills HCL couldn’t use as planned. Instead of firing the staff, the company committed to retrain them so they could be deployed in other places. They didn’t know it at the time, but that was the beginning of their STAR talent development program, a fundamental competitive advantage that has become critical to their growth. STAR – School of Talent Acquisition and Reskilling – is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to learning that fully aligns with business strategy.

Of course, given the nature of being a technology service provider, they need fast–moving, in-depth technology training. But they also need engaging material that can adapt to employee needs and be delivered outside of the formal classroom. That’s when the team took a serious look at their learning libraries. The changes resulted in dramatic growth in employee engagement. Just like the technology they teach, their learning also evolves.

Everything they spend – in time, in money, in mindshare – has lead to cost savings, employee loyalty and higher customer satisfaction. Best of all, these efforts benefit not only the company but also their people. Employees know when they come to work with HCL, they are likely to have a long, secure career that will evolve as quickly as the technology they support.

“An investment in our people has been an investment in our growth. Learning is our competitive advantage.”

Ashok Madaan

Associate Vice President Head - Talent Transformation,
Engineering and R&D Services,
HCL Technologies.