Python Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Python Programming Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark will measure your ability to implement if...elif...else statements and while and for loops. You will be assessed on your skills in recognizing basic object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, working with dictionaries and sets to store data in Python, and performing operations using lists, tuples, and strings in Python. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to perform basic operations using control flow statements and complex data types in Python.

Topics covered

  • add, remove, sort, and reverse elements from a list
  • code for loops to iterate over values in a tuple and the keys and values in a dictionary
  • convert lists to dictionaries and vice versa
  • convey the fact that no action is performed under specific conditions by using the pass statement
  • create and initialize sets
  • create dictionaries with other complex data types as values
  • create new lists from existing lists using slicing operations
  • define, invoke, and name functions
  • define the interval in a sequence of increasing and decreasing integers using the range function
  • describe how classes can be used as blueprints to create objects
  • describe the advantages of using object-oriented programming
  • evaluate conditions involving primitive data types using if statements
  • evaluate multiple conditions for the purpose of decision making using the nested control structures
  • identify how to use the if-else statement to make decisions involving complex data types such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries
  • identify when it is appropriate to use the break keyword to stop a while loop
  • include if-else statements and other for loops within a for loop
  • iterate over a list of elements using while loops
  • model is-a relationships using inheritance
  • perform list functions on strings
  • perform union, intersection, difference, and other set operations
  • recall how to convert between various complex datatypes and view base conversions using the Python built-in functions
  • recognize how the break statement affects the code in the else block of a for loop
  • reference global variables from within a function
  • solve various programming problems using some Python built-in methods
  • specify conditions in list comprehensions in order to filter elements used in the source list and to define the values in the newly created list
  • specify default values for function arguments
  • specify the differences between lists and tuples
  • specify the similarities between lists and tuples
  • use while loops to carry out actions while evaluating expressions based on numerical and string data
  • write functions with multiple return statements