High Availability

Oracle 12c    |    Intermediate
  • 9 videos | 43m 26s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
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High availability is a critical requirement of Oracle RAC. Explore the configuration of client and server components to ensure high availability in RAC database connections.


  • Describe the types of workload distribution methods and configure client-side connect-time load balancing
    Describe the fast application notification (fan) mechanism and list its benefits
    Describe the ways you can use fan events and name the oracle clients that are integrated with fan
    List the types and statuses of fan events and describe the fan event format
    Implement a basic server-side callout script to parse and filter event arguments
  • Describe the server-side oracle notification services (ons) configuration and how to add additional mid-tier ons daemons into the configuration
    Describe the automatic connection management of fast connection failover
    Describe how the load balancing advisory balances work across rac instances
    Describe how to configure server-side load balancing to direct client connections appropriately


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    1.  Types of Workload Distribution
    5m 3s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe the types of workload distribution methods and configure client-side connect-time load balancing. FREE ACCESS
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    2.  Fast Application Notification Overview
    4m 34s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to describe the Fast Application Notification (FAN) mechanism and list its benefits. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Implementing FAN Events
    4m 7s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe the ways you can use FAN events and name the Oracle clients that are integrated with FAN. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  FAN Events
    6m 17s
    After completing this video, you will be able to list the types and statuses of FAN events and describe the FAN event format. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Server-Side Callouts Implementation
    6m 26s
    Find out how to implement a basic server-side callout script to parse and filter event arguments. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Oracle Notification Services
    3m 51s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to describe the server-side Oracle Notification Services configuration and how to add additional mid-tier ONS daemons into the configuration. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Fast Connection Failover
    4m 40s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe the automatic connection management of Fast Connection Failover. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Load Balancing Advisory
    4m 36s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to describe how the Load Balancing Advisories work across RAC instances. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Connection Load Balancing in RAC
    3m 52s
    After completing this video, you will be able to describe how to configure server-side load balancing to direct client connections appropriately. FREE ACCESS


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Rating 4.8 of 17 users Rating 4.8 of 17 users (17)