Final Exam: Multi-cloud Load Balancing Principles
| Beginner
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
- Earns a Badge
Final Exam: Multi-cloud Load Balancing Principles will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Multi-cloud Load Balancing Principles track of the Skillsoft Aspire Load Balancing Multi and Hybrid Cloud Solutions Journey.
Describe what load balancing is, where it is used, and what forms load balancers come inrecognize the advancements in load balancing technology and how to enable them in the cloudidentify the different protocols and types of load balancers in use todayrecognize when to use a layer 4 load balancer and its constraints and benefitsrecognize when using a layer 7 load balancer and their constraints and benefitsdescribe the challenges and use cases of introducing load balancing across cloud platformsdescribe how to apply design pattern theory to build efficient, reusable architecturesidentify the components of a network designdescribe the steps to design a network architecturedescribe where a load balancer fits into various distributed system topologiesdescribe the best practices to take when implementing load balancing technologiesdescribe the differences between private, public, hybrid, and multi-cloud modelsrecognize opportunities and challenges of adopting cloud technologiesdescribe the steps to plan for a hybrid or multi-cloud implementationdescribe commonly used network topologies for hybrid and multi-cloud networks
describe how to utilize load balancers for disaster recovery practices in hybrid and multi-cloud scenariosdescribe how tokens are used for session management and security concerns of session managementdescribe how sticky sessions are maintained during load balancing and the benefits and challenges of sticky sessionsdescribe how to manage a session id using url rewritingdescribe how to manage session identification user a jwt token, and describe how a jwt token is created by a session authorityidentify the fundamentals of multi-cloud solutions, and describe their benefits and challengesdescribe the unique challenges of identity management in a hybrid cloud environmentdescribe the shared responsibility model as it applies to public cloud environmentsrecognize the common security challenges inherent in cloud technologiesrecognize common challenges faced when an organization moves its operations to the clouddescribe potential consequences of security failure in the clouddescribe mechanisms for data backup and disaster recovery in the cloudrecognize the challenges of maintaining data privacy in a multi-cloud environment and some best practices to ensure data privacyrecognize what can be done in a hybrid cloud environment to ensure data integrity and availabilityidentify the components of a hybrid cloud security architecture and recognize the benefits and challenges of hybrid cloud security
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