Final Exam: Building Web Applications with Angular 11
Angular 11
| Intermediate
- 1 video | 32s
- Includes Assessment
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Final Exam: Building Web Applications with Angular 11 will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Building Web Applications with Angular 11 track of the Skillsoft Aspire Enriched Web Development with Angular 11 Journey.
Describe the characteristics of package.json filesrelate dependency injection to angular componentslist the different building blocks of angular, namely angular components, services, modules, and routingdefine object-oriented programming concepts and outline how to create classes in typescript and convert typescript classes to functionsoutline the basic characteristics of typescriptrecognize the various parts of an angular application and how they relate to one otherdemonstrate the installation of the angular clidefine the single page architecture, recognize the justification for building a single-page application (spa), and describe the overall benefits of an spapass data to routes and use the data extracted in a componentdemonstrate security implementation using guardsdescribe how to add private and public properties to a typescript class and explain the use of public properties outside the classdescribe how to add functions to a typescript class and explain how to access public property in a class functioncreate a component using the angular cli, add the component to a module, and add inline html to the componentadd inline styles to an angular component template and use style tags to add inline stylesbootstrap components with the desired component by making it the main component for bootstrapping the applicationdescribe different elements of angular module and the decorators associated with itcreate a feature module, add components to it, and use it in the main moduleoutline the inclusion and use of third party modules like browsermodule and explain its functionalitiesexport and import different functionalities and components from other javascript filesuse conditional operators in components and render html content
iterate a list of arrays and display array items in the user interface (ui)perform iteration on complex objects and render employee details from an employee arraycreate and implement custom pipes in angularexplain the concept of pipes in angular and the use of built-in pipeslist the use of the @input keyword and pass data to the child componentlist the use of @output keyword, pass events from child component to parent component, and update properties of parent component using child componentexamine the characteristics of observables in angular and differentiate between promises and observablescreate a http get request, handle http response, and create and handle httpclient observablesexplain the form validation mechanism and disable the submit button until the form is validateddefine and send data to post calls, make asynchronous calls to post api, and extract a response from post apisidentify the need for caching and how sharereplay can be used to perform cachingdemonstrate how to implement a local cache with sharereplayimplement two-way binding, outline its benefits, and describe banana in a box notationregister a service to angular moduleinject a service inside an angular componentcreate, activate, and, deactivate guards for authentication and authorization in angular routing.discuss the requirement of optimizationimplement lazy loadingdiscuss the features that are new in angular 11 version and compare those features with older version, if presentdiscuss the steps in migration to angular 11
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