Embedding Inclusion into Everyday Experiences

  • 7 videos | 34m 35s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
  • Certification CPE
Rating 4.4 of 2323 users Rating 4.4 of 2323 users (2323)
DEI concepts are easy to train, but harder to put into practice. In our ever-changing world of work, leaders are taxed with delivering optimal results and still creating a space where people want to contribute their time, talent, energy, and creativity. This course covers the top ways for leaders to create micro-experiences that have a macro impact on the culture of their teams and their organization. In this course, you'll learn strategies to weave storytelling into everyday work, competencies for leading and enabling inclusive conversations, including using inclusive language and chosen names and pronouns, as well as leadership practices that embody allyship through personal accountability. You'll also learn techniques to use organizational resources equitably to support DEI, and how to gain confidence in building inclusive cultures.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Identify strategies to weave storytelling into everyday work to lead your team to the next level of diversity, equity, and inclusion
    Recognize competencies for leading and enabling inclusive conversations at work and on teams
    Identify leadership practices that embody allyship through personal accountability
  • Recognize techniques to use organizational resources equitably to support dei
    Identify strategies to overcome discomfort while building new inclusive habits
    Reflect on what you've learned


  • 1m 53s
    Creating a workplace where all employees feel seen, respected, and honored means looking for ways to embed inclusion into everyday experiences. In this video, you'll discover the key concepts that will be covered in this course, including embracing storytelling, leading and enabling conversations, embodying allyship, and building long-lasting inclusive cultures. FREE ACCESS
  • 6m 55s
    As a leader, one of the greatest gifts you can give others is to create a safe space in which to use their voices and tell their stories. In this video, you'll learn strategies for weaving storytelling into everyday work to help lead your team to the next level of diversity, equity, and inclusion. FREE ACCESS
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    3.  Leading and Enabling Conversations
    7m 23s
    Leading inclusive conversations is both an art and a science. It's a leader's responsibility to facilitate, enable, and protect them so that everyone has equal opportunity to participate, contribute, and share. In this video, you'll learn about competencies for leading and enabling inclusive conversations at work and on teams. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Embodying Allyship
    5m 39s
    Leaders can embody allyship through personal accountability and by employing a few key practices. To become a better ally, they do their homework to find resources that help them better engage with people who are underrepresented. In this video, you'll explore leadership practices that embody allyship through your personal accountability. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Resourcing Equitably
    4m 55s
    Equitable resourcing means utilizing your organization's people, time, and money to support diversity, equity, and inclusion both internally and externally. In this video, you will learn techniques for using organizational resources equitably to support DEI. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Gaining Confidence in Building Inclusive Cultures
    5m 45s
    As a leader, building an inclusive culture at your workplace starts with you. New habits are hard to form, and it is hard to let go of the old habits. But with the right mindset and actions, positive change is worth the effort. In this video, you'll explore strategies to overcome discomfort while building new inclusive habits. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    7.  Let's Review
    2m 5s
    In this video, you will review and reflect on what you've learned in the Embedding Inclusion into Everyday Experiences course. FREE ACCESS


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