wxPython Recipes
- 2h 53m
- Mike Driscoll
- Apress
- 2018
Quickly discover solutions to common problems, learn best practices, and understand everything wxPython has to offer. This book is for anyone wanting to learn more about how to use the wxPython desktop GUI toolkit. It assumes some prior knowledge of Python and a general understanding of wxPython or GUI development, and contains more than 50 recipes covering various tasks and aspects of the toolkit.
wxPython Recipes guides you step by step. The book takes you through how to create user interfaces in Python, including adding widgets, changing background images, manipulating dialogs, managing data, and much more. Examples target both Python 2.x and 3.x, and cover both wxPython 3.0 and Phoenix, offering a complete collection of ideas to improve your GUI development.
What You'll Learn
- Work with UI elements such as widgets, buttons, images, boxes, and more
- Handle data in files and notebooks
- Implement XML and using XML resources (XRC)
- Customize the behavior of panels and objects
Who This Book Is For
People who are already familiar with the Python programming language and also have a basic understanding of wxPython.
Readers who understand event loops and the basics of creating user interfaces with another Python UI toolkit, such as Tkinter or PyQt.
About the Author
Mike Driscoll started coding in Python in 2006, where his first assignments included porting Windows login scripts and VBA to Python, which introduced him to wxPython. He's done backend programming and front end user interfaces, writes documentation for wxPython, and currently maintains an automated testing framework in Python. He also owns the popular site "Mouse vs Python" at pythonlibrary.org and has written for the Python Software Foundation, DZone and published Python 101 and Python 201.
In this Book
Working with Images
Special Effects
The Publish-Subscribe Pattern
Wizard Recipes
Creating Simple Widgets
Using Config Files
Working with Events
Drag and Drop
Working with Frames
wxPython and the System Tray
Fun with Panels
Using Objects in Widgets
Working with Sizers
Threads and Timers
Redirecting Text
Grid Recipes
Working with Your Application
Bonus Recipes