Wiley CPA Exam Review Focus Notes 2023: Auditing and Attestation

  • 1h 20m
  • Wiley
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2022

Quick reference tools for the 2023 CPA AUD exam

Wiley's CPA Jan 2023 Focus Notes: Auditing and Attestation offer practical and hands-on flashcard-style notes on the Auditing and Attestation section of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. Perfect for targeted review sessions focused on essential, core concepts covered on AUD, the 2023 Focus Notes include:

  • Ethics, Professional Responsibilities, and General Principles
  • Assessing Risk and Developing a Planned Response
  • Performing Further Procedures and Obtaining Evidence
  • Forming Conclusions and Reporting

Designed for motivated CPA candidates sitting for AUD in 2023, Wiley's CPA Jan 2023 Focus Notes: Auditing and Attestation are the proven solution for testing your knowledge in quick study sessions leading up to exam day.

About the Author

Wiley empowers learners, researchers, universities, and corporations to achieve their goals in an ever-changing world. For over 200 years, Wiley has been helping people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Wiley develops digital education, learning, assessment, and certification solutions to help universities, businesses, and individuals move between education and employment and achieve their ambitions. By partnering with learned societies, we support researchers to communicate discoveries that make a difference. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, books, and other digital content build on a 200-year heritage of quality publishing.

In this Book

  • Professional Responsibilities
  • Assessing Risk and Developing a Planned Response
  • Understanding Internal Control and Assessing Control Risk
  • Performing Further Procedures and Obtaining Evidence
  • Auditing Specific Accounts
  • Audit Sampling
  • Auditing with Technology
  • Audit Reports
  • Other Types of Reports
  • Accounting and Review Services
  • Other Professional Services