VMware Software Defined Storage: A Design Guide to the Policy-Driven, Software-Defined Storage Era

  • 9h 4m
  • Martin Hosken
  • Sybex
  • 2016

The inside guide to the next generation of data storage technology

VMware Software-Defined Storage, A Guide to the Policy Driven, Software-Defined Storage Era presents the most in-depth look at VMware's next-generation storage technology to help solutions architects and operational teams maximize quality storage design. Written by a double VMware Certified Design Expert, this book delves into the design factors and capabilities of Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes to provide a uniquely detailed examination of the software-defined storage model. Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS) is discussed in terms of deployment through VMware technology, with insight into the provisioning of storage resources and operational management, while legacy storage and storage protocol concepts provide context and demonstrate how Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes are meeting traditional challenges. The discussion on architecture emphasizes the economies of storage alongside specific design factors for next-generation VMware based storage solutions, and is followed by an example in which a solution is created based on the preferred option identified from a selection of cross-site design options.

Storage hardware lifecycle management is an ongoing challenge for IT organizations and service providers. VMware is addressing these challenges through the software-defined storage model and Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes technologies; this book provides unprecedented detail and expert guidance on the future of storage.

  • Understand the architectural design factors of VMware-based storage
  • Learn best practices for Virtual SAN stretched architecture implementation
  • Deploy STaaS through vRealize Automation and vRealize Orchestrator
  • Meet traditional storage challenges with next-generation storage technology

Virtual SAN and Virtual Volumes are leading the way in efficiency, automation, and simplification, while maintaining enterprise-class features and performance. As organizations around the world are looking to cut costs without sacrificing performance, availability, or scalability, VMware-based next-generation storage solutions are the ideal platform for tomorrow's virtual infrastructure. VMware Software-Defined Storage provides detailed, practical guidance on the model that is set to transform all aspects of vSphere data center storage.

About the Author

Martin Hosken, VCDX is a Global Cloud Architect and part of the Cloud Provider Software Business Unit at VMWare. One of only a small number of double VMWare Certified Design Experts in the world, he has been awarded the annual VMWare vExpert title for the past four years. Martin specializes in the design, implementation, and integration of Cisco, EMC, IBM, HP, Dell, and VMWare systems into enterprise environments and cloud service provider infrastructure.

In this Book

  • Software-Defined Storage Design
  • Classic Storage Models and Constructs
  • Fabric Connectivity and Storage I/O Architecture
  • Policy-Driven Storage Design With Virtual SAN
  • Virtual SAN Stretched Cluster Design
  • Designing for Web-Scale Virtual SAN Platforms
  • Virtual SAN Use Case Library
  • Policy-Driven Storage Design with Virtual Volumes
  • Delivering a Storage-as-a-Service Design
  • Monitoring and Storage Operations Design


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Rating 4.7 of 117 users Rating 4.7 of 117 users (117)