Using Behavioral Science in Marketing: Drive Customer Action and Loyalty by Prompting Instinctive Responses, 1st Edition
- 5h 53m
- Nancy Harhut
- Kogan Page
- 2022
Increase engagement, response rates and the ROI of marketing initiatives with this step-by-step guide to harnessing hardwired consumer behavior and instinctive responses.
Using Behavioral Science in Marketing shows how to apply behavioral science principles in key areas of marketing, including marketing communications, email, direct mail and ad campaigns, social media marketing and sales funnel conversion strategies. Highly practical and accessible, it includes case studies and examples from AT&T, Apple, Spotify and The Wall Street Journal showing how these approaches have been used in practice.
Using Behavioral Science in Marketing also reveals how to increase consumer involvement and engagement, convey exclusivity and desirability, and prompt customer action and loyalty with scientifically proven principles such as autonomy bias, storytelling, and the Von Restorff effect. Featuring common mistakes to avoid and key takeaways at the end of each chapter, it's also accompanied by downloadable checklists and an interactive template to use in practice. In a highly competitive space, where even an incremental advantage can result in significant uplifts, this is a crucial resource to create stand out and successful marketing-especially for marketers in highly regulated or highly competitive environments.
About the Author
Nancy Harhut is Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer at HBT Marketing, a consultancy which specializes in applying human behavior techniques in marketing and whose clients include H&R Block, AARP and Transamerica. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, she previously held senior creative management positions with agencies within the IPG and Publicis networks, where she worked with clients including Dell, Bank of America and AT&T. A regular international conference keynoter, she has been recognized as an Online Marketing Institute Top 40 Digital Strategist and Ad Club Top 100 Creative Influencer.
In this Book
Emotional and Rational Elements in Decision Making
Conveying Customer Benefits Through Loss Aversion and the Endowment Effect
Creating Urgency and Exclusivity Through the Scarcity Principle
The Reciprocity Principle and the Marketing Value of Give to Get
Social Proof—Harnessing the Power of People Like Us, and the People We Like
Storytelling—Increasing Consumer Involvement and Engagement
Autonomy Bias—Harnessing the Human Need for Control
Encouraging Sales and Loyalty Through the Consistency Principle and the Zeigarnik Effect
Information Gap Theory—Prompting Consumers to Take Action Through Curiosity and the Need to Know
Tapping into the Authority Principle to Stand Out and Prompt Responses
Choice Architecture and Status Quo Bias—How to Use Inertia to Get Things Moving
Labeling and Framing—Making People See Things Your Way
Increasing Action through Automatic Compliance Triggers and Reasons
Maximizing the Impact of Your Marketing Copy and Language
Increasing Desirability Through Triggering Availability Bias
Creating Stand-Out Marketing Communications through Context, Rewards and Unpredictability
Temporal Landmarks and Temporal Discounting—The Effects of Time on Behavior