The Illusion of Inclusion: Global Inclusion, Unconscious Bias and the Bottom Line
- 3h 11m
- Helen Turnbull
- Business Expert Press
- 2016
We may say we want to be inclusive, but what if we really don't? What if our brains are hard-wired for selfishness and similarity and not for diversity and altruism? Having a diverse workforce is no guarantee that the work environment is inclusive. Companies hire for diversity and manage for similarity. We hire people for their difference and then teach them directly and indirectly what they have to do to fit in to the corporate culture. The Illusion of Inclusion exposes a myriad of diverse reasons why people are not more fully engaged and offers you the key to unlock the "Geometry of Inclusion." This book takes the lid off Pandora's box and explores the complexity of inclusion; where affinity bias or "mini-me" syndrome and the need to fit in are unconsciously blocking our ability to be inclusive. It offers a road map and an easy to comprehend model on how to minimize the impact of unconscious and conscious biases in order to embed an inclusive organizational culture.
About the Author
Dr. Turnbull is a world recognized Thought Leader in globalinclusion and diversity. Her PhD dissertationresearch was on stereotype threat, covering and internalized oppression acrosscultures and she has a deep knowledge and understanding of what it takes tocreate an inclusive environment. She is the author of two psycho-metricassessment tools on UB and Inclusion - Cognizant and the ISM profile and a newE-Learning program on Unconscious Bias and Inclusion. In May 2013 she spoke at TEDx on "The Illusionof Inclusion" and has recently developed a new model on the complexity ofembedding an inclusive workplace culture.She keynotes on these topics globally and has spoken to seniorexecutives in Australia, Asia, Europe, UK and the USA.
Dr.Turnbull has five Award winning clients. We have made major contributions inassisting Texas Instruments to win the Catalyst Award and was instrumental indeveloping programs for both J. P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup Europe to win theprestigious Opportunity Now Award and Business in the Community Awards.Commonwealth Bank of Australia also won the 2012 Catalyst Award attributing thewin in part to Cognizant, an Unconscious Bias tool developed by Dr. Turnbulland QBE Insurance Australia has been named Australian Employer of Choice in2015 attributing their win in large part to Human Facets work on UnconsciousBias and Inclusion with 450 of their top leaders.
She is also a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) member of theNational Speakers Association, and The Global Speakers Network and anaccomplished keynote speaker, particularly in the area of Global Inclusion andUnconscious Bias.
In this Book
Chapter 1: The Bottom Line—The Real Deal on Inclusion
Chapter 2: Inclusion Ground Hog Day—Stop Spinning Your Wheels
Chapter 3: Hard-Mired—The Immutable Forces of Inclusion
Chapter 4: The Perennial Presence of Dominance
Chapter 5: Bumping in to Our Blind Spots
Chapter 6: The Geometry of Inclusion
Chapter 7: Fighting the Force(s)
Chapter 8: The Permeable Forces of Inclusion
Chapter 9: Familiarity Does Not Breed Contempt
Chapter 10: We Cannot All Be Idiosyncratic
Chapter 11: The Wolf in Inclusive Clothing
Chapter 12: You Cannot Ask for a White Coffee
Chapter 13: Golf, Inclusion, and the Rubik's Cube
Chapter 14: Peaceful Coexistence—A Line in the Sand and a Call to Action