The Future of Innovation

  • 9h 23m
  • Anna Trifilova (eds), Bettina von Stamm
  • Ashgate Publishing
  • 2009

Three unassailable facts will strike you as soon as you start to read The Future of Innovation:

  • One: innovation is the new mantra; whether you're involved in teaching art and design, new product development for a blue chip consumer brand or responsible for providing public services to citizens;
  • Two: understanding innovation requires multiple perspectives; from culture and mindset, social and commercial context, new ways of working as much as new products or services;
  • Three: innovation is a journey; drawing on insights from around the globe is essential to accelerate our progress.

Bettina von Stamm and Anna Trifilova have gathered together the thoughts and ideas of over 200 of the most creative innovators from business, professional practice and academia from nearly 60 countries. The contributors look at innovation from almost every angle. Their statements offer an unparalleled view of innovation and provide a depth of insight that is extraordinary. The editors' reflection on each statement and on the sections within the book, provide useful links between themes and reinforce the relationships between many of the ideas.

Anyone interested in innovation (student, researcher or practitioner) will benefit from this global thought collection. The contributors' multiple perspectives, models, practical examples and stories provide a sense of innovation that no single writer could ever capture.

About the Editors

Dr. Bettina von Stamm is the founder of the Innovation Leadership Forum. Her first degree is in architecture and town planning. She also has an MBA as well as a PhD from London Business School and has developed an expertise in innovation and new product development and design. Her work, which spans research, teaching, consulting, and speaking assignments, has resulted in the writing of two books - The Innovation Wave (2002) and Managing Innovation Design & Creativity (2nd Edition, 2008).

Dr. von Stamm has the role of 'catalyst' to help speed-up the creation of innovative organizations in a number of large organizations: (e.g. DSM, Hibernian, Mars & the Financial Ombudsman Services). In addition she teaches innovation and design management at a number of leading universities in the UK, Germany and France, and shares her passion for innovation at conferences, workshops and other events.

Dr. Anna Trifilova's particular interest is in understanding innovation and its management in the global context. Her areas of research interest are international technology collaboration, Russian R&D organizations on the global innovation arena, managing for global innovations. In Russia she published two books on innovation management. Currently, she is the head of the Management and Marketing Department at Nizhny Novgorod Architecture and Civil Engineering State University. She writes in her own section: International Kaleidoscope, for the Russian journal INNOVATIONS.

In this Book

  • Foreword Our Debt to Innovation—Past, Present and Future
  • Editor's Foreword the Story behind the Story of the Future of Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is in Our Hands
  • The Future of Innovation is the Only Possible Future
  • The Future of Innovation is Transforming the Future of Mankind
  • The Future of Innovation is without Psychological Inertia
  • The Future of Innovation is Bright and Shiny as Never Before
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovate or Die!
  • The Future of Innovation is a Function of Catharsis and Kairos
  • The Future of Innovation is a Common Understanding of the Global Economic Process
  • The Future of Innovation is Making Innovation Stick
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Mirror of Concentration, Dependency and Humanisation
  • The Future of Innovation is A Quest for a (R)evolution in Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Changing across Three or Four Lanes all at Once
  • The Future of Innovation is a Corporate Activity
  • The Future of Innovation is as Future Prosperity
  • The Future of Innovation is Eco-creating a Prosperous and Happy Future
  • The Future of Innovation is Reinventing
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Learning Economy
  • The Future of Innovation is Challenging the Frontier of Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Glimpsed by a Futurist Creativity Practitioner
  • The Future of Innovation is Timeless and Broad
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovation Catalysts
  • The Future of Innovation is Provoking Innovation via the Future
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is a New Combination Logic
  • The Future of Innovation is Going to Be Different
  • The Future of Innovation is after the Watershed
  • The Future of Innovation is for Us to Decide
  • The Future of Innovation is Good Enough for the Future?
  • The Future of Innovation is Driven by Knowledge Cultivation
  • The Future of Innovation is asan Instrument for World Peace
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovating for a Meaningful Future
  • The Future of Innovation is Driven by Hardware and Software
  • The Future of Innovation is SenseMaking for ChangeMaking
  • The Future of Innovation is about Reversing its Past
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovative Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is a Warning
  • The Future of Innovation is a Shaw Perspective
  • The Future of Innovation is Presenting a Paradox
  • The Future of Innovation is a Re-directional Perspective
  • The Future of Innovation is Always ‘Good’?
  • The Future of Innovation is in a Stakeholder-driven Economy
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Non-technological Spheres
  • The Future of Innovation is for what and by Whom?
  • The Future of Innovation is Make it Smart!
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Rich Soil of a Potato Field
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Having a Future
  • The Future of Innovation is within Us
  • The Future of Innovation is Ecological Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Green
  • The Future of Innovation is Reconnecting to Life
  • The Future of Innovation is Humanity before Economy
  • The Future of Innovation is Enabling Hope at the Frontiers of Systems, Values and Politics
  • The Future of Innovation is Peace Driven by Local Communities
  • The Future of Innovation is Sustainable Building and Environment
  • The Future of Innovation is in Unleashing the Creative Potential of Your HR
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovation for All
  • The Future of Innovation is Infrastructure and Competitiveness
  • The Future of Innovation is through Democratisation
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovation with a Public Face
  • The Future of Innovation is in e-Government
  • The Future of Innovation is in Social Networks and Sustainability
  • The Future of Innovation is Making Paradoxes Work
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Education of a Different Kind
  • The Future of Innovation is about Aliens
  • The Future of Innovation is the Innovation University
  • The Future of Innovation is the Science of Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Behaviours Change and a New World View
  • The Future of Innovation is in Linking Our Present and Our Future
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Innovative Behaviours
  • The Future of Innovation is about the People, Stupid!
  • The Future of Innovation is Rethinking Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Managing Blade Runner
  • The Future of Innovation is Accessing Future Innovation Talent in a Flat World
  • The Future of Innovation is in a Lesson from Napoleon
  • The Future of Innovation is a Mindset
  • The Future of Innovation is People Centered
  • The Future of Innovation is to Think what No One has Thought of (Yet)
  • The Future of Innovation is Driven by People
  • The Future of Innovation is beyond Traditional Boundaries
  • The Future of Innovation is the Purview of the Imaginative
  • The Future of Innovation is with Heart and Mind (or Not at All)
  • The Future of Innovation Gets Emotional
  • The Future of Innovation is the Innovacians
  • The Future of Innovation is what We Imagined it to Be!
  • The Future of Innovation is All in the Mind
  • The Future of Innovation is Tapping into the Unconscious and the Collective Conscious
  • The Future of Innovation is Cognitive Spiders
  • The Future of Innovation is Dancing with Dilemma
  • The Future of Innovation is Our Call
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on a More Open Language
  • The Future of Innovation is in Our Minds
  • The Future of Innovation is on the Beach!
  • The Future of Innovation is the Basis for Social and Economic Change
  • The Future of Innovation is Overcoming the Design Flaws in Management
  • The Future of Innovation is Holistic and Networked
  • The Future of Innovation is Organising for Strategic Flexibility
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Craft and Art
  • The Future of Innovation is Hopefully More like its Past!
  • The Future of Innovation is Creating Innovation from the inside Out
  • The Future of Innovation is about Creating Innovation Energy
  • The Future of Innovation is Pragmatic Arguments
  • The Future of Innovation is Exciting
  • The Future of Innovation is Unpredictable!
  • The Future of Innovation is the Fundamental Human Nature of Ideas
  • The Future of Innovation is through Seven Strategies
  • The Future of Innovation is Opening with a Story
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on How Efficiently Intellectual Resources can Be Used
  • The Future of Innovation is Global Collaboration on Global Challenges
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovating for Sustainability
  • The Future of Innovation is Harnessing the Creative Capabilities of Global Ecosystems
  • The Future of Innovation is a Team Process with Holistic, Subversive, Innovative Thinking
  • The Future of Innovation is Going to Be Colourful
  • The Future of Innovation is Powered by Trust
  • The Future of Innovation is the Role and Roll of Fiction
  • The Future of Innovation is Serious Fun
  • The Future of Innovation is Open Your Strategy
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Open Management
  • The Future of Innovation is within Your Reach
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Cultural Intelligence
  • The Future of Innovation is about Diversity
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Cultural Intelligence
  • The Future of Innovation is Building on the Success of Intercultural Collaboration
  • The Future of Innovation is about Nurturing the Breeding Ground
  • The Future of Innovation is One in Which Academics and Professionals Speak the Same Language
  • The Future of Innovation is Collaborative
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Present Education, Communication and Exploitation Activities
  • The Future of Innovation is the Commercialisation of Academia and the Rise of the Sleeping Giants
  • The Future of Innovation is in Multi-Voiced Business Competence
  • The Future of Innovation is in Collaborative Networks
  • The Future of Innovation is about Innovation Value Webs
  • The Future of Innovation is Rewriting the Rules of Contact
  • The Future of Innovation is Open Innovation and the Citizen Innovator
  • The Future of Innovation is a Key Opportunity for Europe
  • The Future of Innovation is Open Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Co-Creation, Contactivity and Co-Futurising
  • The Future of Innovation is Open and Collaborative
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovation Chain Masters
  • The Future of Innovation is Common People Becoming Extraordinary
  • The Future of Innovation is Together
  • The Future of Innovation is Collaborative Problem-solving on a Global Scale
  • The Future of Innovation is Personal Passion and Strategic Collaboration
  • The Future of Innovation is Grasping the Potential of Open Innovation in the Service Industry
  • The Future of Innovation is the Rise of the Web-Footed Boomer
  • The Future of Innovation is Starting with More and Better Listening
  • The Future of Innovation is Going to Be Communicated Differently
  • The Future of Innovation is Selling Ideas to Sceptical Audiences
  • The Future of Innovation is the Personal Communication of Values
  • The Future of Innovation is the Disappearing Water Cooler
  • The Future of Innovation is Orchestrating Ideas
  • The Future of Innovation is Managing the Fuzzy Back-end of the Innovation Process
  • The Future of Innovation is Uncertain
  • The Future of Innovation is How Smart Companies will Generate Winning Ideas
  • The Future of Innovation is a Practical Tool-box for Sustainable and Systemic Innovation
  • The Future of Innovation is Putting the End at the Beginning
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Hands of the Customers
  • The Future of Innovation is in Sight, through Clear Insight
  • The Future of Innovation is Revolutionising Marketing Research
  • The Future of Innovation is the Consumer Firmly in Command
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Our Ingenuity
  • The Future of Innovation is to Make Design Thinking Interdisciplinary
  • The Future of Innovation is as Change in the Making
  • The Future of Innovation is an Emergent Phenomenon
  • The Future of Innovation is Design as Catalyst, Not Control
  • The Future of Innovation is Experiences
  • The Future of Innovation is a Blurring of Boundaries
  • The Future of Innovation is to Change the World
  • The Future of Innovation is a Socio-technical Systems View
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Industrial Context
  • The Future of Innovation is for All Industries
  • The Future of Innovation is Determined by Global Warming and the Ageing Population
  • The Future of Innovation is Guaranteed by Compelling Global Problem-solving Needs
  • The Future of Innovation is Sustainable, Affordable Energy for All
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovative Thinking
  • The Future of Innovation is Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change and Clean Energy
  • The Future of Innovation is in Our Past
  • The Future of Innovation is Services Based on High Technologies
  • The Future of Innovation is in Services
  • The Future of Innovation is Possibly Simpler than We Think
  • The Future of Innovation is Going to Transform Healthcare Services
  • The Future of Innovation is Working with Patientsand Staff
  • The Future of Innovation is a Process-driven Extrapolative Continuum
  • The Future of Innovation is Minicinis
  • The Future of Innovation is through a Technology Manager's Lens
  • The Future of Innovation is Charity Fundraising
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Context of SMEs
  • The Future of Innovation is its Challenges and Intermediate Regions
  • The Future of Innovation is SMEs in Global Niches
  • The Future of Innovation is David and Goliath—Integrating Innovation to Build for the Future
  • The Future of Innovation is Transforming Communities
  • The Future of Innovation is at the Bottom of the Pyramid
  • The Future of Innovation is Low-in come Targets
  • The Future of Innovation is Paying More Attention to Poor Countries!
  • The Future of Innovation is 1709 and all that
  • The Future of Innovation is Collaboration and Co-creation
  • The Future of Innovation is from the Perspective of a Risk-Averse Culture
  • The Future of Innovation is Utilising Hardship
  • The Future of Innovation is in Emerging Markets
  • The Future of Innovation is in Regional Development
  • The Future of Innovation is Dependent on Education and People, Not Technology
  • The Future of Innovation is One That has Implications for Developing Countries
  • The Future of Innovation is in Small Island States
  • The Future of Innovation is Creating a Culture for Innovation in Barbados
  • The Future of Innovation is Innovate or Die
  • The Future of Innovation is the Future of Corporate Strength
  • The Future of Innovation is Co-evolving in the Innovation Ecosystem
  • The Future of Innovation is as an Ecosystem
  • The Future of Innovation is a Social Entrepreneurial Spear Point
  • The Future of Innovation is through Movements
  • The Future of Innovation is Attitudes Count
  • The Future of Innovation is in High-Tech Industries in Taiwan
  • The Future of Innovation is Inspired by the Intellectual Property System
  • The Future of Innovation is in Brazil, a Craft Nation
  • The Future of Innovation Lies in Mexico, and Seems Bright
  • The Future of Innovation is what will You do Tomorrow, Professor?
  • The Future of Innovation is in the Role of Human Resources in Peripheral Regions
  • The Future of Innovation is Open to Question
  • The Future of Innovation is Excellent Because of the World's Huge Problems
  • The Future of Innovation is Holistic and Vibrant
  • The Future of Innovation is about a Precept Not a Concept
  • The Future of Innovation is Sustainable
  • The Future of Innovation is about People, Diversity, Collaboration and Passion
  • The Future of Innovation is Non-normal Ways
  • The Future of Innovation is in Achieving a Balanced Performance
  • The Future of Innovation is the Case for Hope
  • The Future of Innovation is for Your Eyes Only
  • Postscript—Sixth Stage—and in Every Ending There is a New Beginning