Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide, Third Edition
- 11h 56m
- Clif Flynt
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2012
Newly updated with over 150 pages of material on the latest Tcl extensions, Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide is a unique practical tutorial for professional programmers and beginners alike. Starting with a clear picture of the basics, Tcl/Tk covers the variety of tools in this "Swiss army knife" of programming languages, giving you the ability to enhance your programs, extend your application's capabilities, and become a more effective programmer.
This updated edition covers all of the new features of version 8.6, including object-oriented programming and the creation of megawidgets, existing data structure implementations, themed widgets and virtual events. Extensive code snippets and online tutorials in various languages will give you a firm grasp on how to use the Tcl/Tk libraries and interpreters and, most importantly, on what constitutes an effective strategy for using Tcl/Tk.
- Includes the latest features of Tcl/Tk 8.6
- Covers Tcl development tools, popular extensions, and packages to allow developers to solve real-world problems with Tcl/Tk immediately
- Provides straightforward explanations for beginners and offers tips, style guidelines, and debugging techniques for advanced users
In this Book
Tcl/Tk Features
The Mechanics of Using the Tcl and Tk Interpreters
Introduction to the Tcl Language
Navigating the File System, Basic I/O and Sockets
Using Strings and Lists
Complex Data Structures with Lists, Arrays and Dicts
Procedure Techniques
Namespaces, Packages and Modules
Basic Object-Oriented Programming in Tcl
Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Tcl
Introduction to Tk Graphics
Using the Canvas Widget
The text Widget and htmllib
Tk Megawidgets
Extending Tcl
Applications with Multiple Environments
Extensions and Packages
Programming Tools
Tips and Techniques