Running an Agile Software Development Project

  • 6h 5m
  • Mike Holcombe
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2008

A Practical Approach To Building Small To Medium Software Systems For Real Business Clients

Based on more than 100 actual commercial projects, this book clearly explains how to run an agile software development project that delivers high-quality, high-value solutions to business clients. It concentrates on the practical, social, business, and management aspects as well as the technical issues involved.

Professor Holcombe successfully connects readers with the wave of "Agile 2.0" concepts that take the techniques of agile development and place them in the service of business goals. Since it is widely believed that the use of Windows XP will become much more common in coming years, readers should be armed with cutting-edge knowledge of the latest practices in the field. Further features of the book include:

  • Case studies provide real-world examples and describe how XP was introduced into the environment
  • Analysis is provided to help readers determine which elements of XP are suitable for the unique challenges and environments for different projects
  • Problems of a failing agile project and how they can be fixed are covered, including insight into which managerial techniques can be employed
  • An Instructor's Guide provides practical advice on how to motivate students, organize real group projects, and deal, in a simple and effective way, with many of the problems that arise
  • A sample syllabus, sample tests, and additional case study information are available on an instructor's password-protected ftp site

Running an Agile Software Development Project is an indispensable guide for professional software developers, engineers, and project managers interested in learning how to use agile processes. It is also a valuable textbook for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students in computer engineering and software engineering courses.

About the Author

Mike Holcombe, BSC, MSC, PHD, is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield, UK. He is also founder of Genesys Solutions, which is a student-run commercial software house that is strongly supported by IBM (winning the IBM International Eclipse Innovation Award in 2004 and 2005) and is also designated as a Microsoft Innovation Center. The University of Sheffield has recently "spun out" this company as epiGenesys Ltd. Dr. Holcombe's research interests include software and systems biology. A former dean of the faculty of engineering at the University of Sheffield, he is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications. He is on the editorial board of the journal BioSystems and Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (Wiley). He is also on the editorial board of the International Journal of Agile and Extreme Software Development and has been appointed to the Academic Advisory Board of Microsoft.

In this Book

  • What is an Agile Methodology?
  • Extreme Programming Outlined
  • Foundations—People and Teams Working Together
  • Starting an XP Project
  • Identifying Stories and Preparing to Build
  • Bringing the System Together as a Coherent Concept
  • Designing the System Tests
  • Units and Their Tests
  • Evolving the System
  • Documenting and Delivering the System
  • Reflecting on the Process
  • Lifestyle Matters
  • Bibliography


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