Research Anthology on Racial Equity, Identity, and Privilege
- 37h 37m
- Information Resources Management Association (IRMA)
- IGI Global
- 2022
Past injustice against racial groups rings out throughout history and negatively affects today’s society. Not only do people hold onto negative perceptions, but government processes and laws have remnants of these past ideas that impact people today. To enact change and promote justice, it is essential to recognize the generational trauma experienced by these groups.
The Research Anthology on Racial Equity, Identity, and Privilege analyzes the impact that past racial inequality has on society today. This book discusses the barriers that were created throughout history and the ways to overcome them and heal as a community. Covering topics such as critical race theory, transformative change, and intergenerational trauma, this three-volume comprehensive major reference work is a dynamic resource for sociologists, community leaders, government officials, policymakers, education administration, preservice teachers, students and professors of higher education, justice advocates, researchers, and academicians.
About the Author
Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) is a research-based professional organization dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of information resources management in modern organizations. IRMA's primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing information resources as key enterprise assets among IRM/IT professionals. IRMA brings together researchers, practitioners, academicians, and policy makers in information technology management from over 50 countries.
In this Book
Identity Work
Mondays With Mac—An Interpersonal Journey of Cultural Humility
Dismantling Cultural Walls—Peace Through Stories, Ritual, Community, and Action
Struggles With Historical Trauma—Cognitive Awareness and Native American Culture
From PWI to HBCU—When the Oppressed Takes on the Characteristics of the Oppressor
Microaggressions—An Introduction
Let's Talk About Cultural Identity
Indigenous Killjoys Negotiating the Labyrinth of Dis/Mistrust
Revisiting Equity, Equality, and Reform in Contemporary Public Education
Applying Critical Theories to Social Media Mining and Analysis—#WokeAcademy
Impacting and Influencing the System to Support Student Career Readiness, Voice, and Efficacy—Development of an Experiential Service-Learning Course
Making Room for Race in Your Classroom Discourse—A Journey of Identity and Homecoming
Building Resilient Voices—A Conceptual Framework for Culturally Responsive SEL
Narrative Theory as a Pedagogical Strategy for Culturally Responsive Teaching at HBCUs
Together We S.O.A.R.—A Theoretical Framework for the Underrepresented Student Leader
The Ambit of Ethics in the South African Academic Institutions—Experience of Coloniality
Building a Conceptual Framework for Culturally Inclusive Collaboration for Urban Practitioners
Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter in the Generation of “Hashtivism”—Constructing the Paradigms of Cyber-Race
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Universal Design for Learning, Ubiquitous Learning, and Seamless Learning—How These Paradigms Inform the Intentional Design of Learner-Centered Online Learning Environments
Bridging Social Justice-Oriented Theories to Practice in Teacher Education Utilizing Ethical Reasoning in Action and Case-Based Teaching
Transgressions on Students and Faculty of Color in Higher Education—A Consideration of Potential Strategies
Language Loss—Implications for Latinx Cultural Identity
Situational Analysis of Muslim Children in the Face of Islamophobia—Theoretical Frameworks, Experiences, and School Social Work Interventions
Project EXCEL—A Teacher Education Partnership for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
Interculturally Relevant Pedagogy—Developing Contemporary Approach
Teaching Up—Female Sociologists Teaching About Privilege
Machitia—An Educator-Focused Liberation Platform for Education
Critical Theory in Research
Caring as an Authoritative Act—Re-Thinking Respect for Students and Teachers
A Decolonial Curriculum Is Everything—An Afrocentric Approach
Facebook Aesthetics—White World-Making, Digital Imaginary, and “The War on Terror”
Silenced, Shamed, and Scatted—Black Feminist Perspective on Sexual Trauma and Treatment With African American Female Survivors
Where Our Paths Crossed—Latina Teachers, Professional Development, and Funds of Identity
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Inclusion for Online Students With Exceptionalities and Other Needs
More Than the Sum of Their Struggles—Success Factors of First-Generation African American Women With Doctorates
Public School Education—Minority Students at a Disadvantage
Race, Class, and Community Cultural Wealth—Impacts on Parental Involvement Among Black Families in K-12 Public Schools
Building a Racial Identity—African American Students' Learning Experiences at the Florence County Museum
Mentoring African American Women at Historically Black Colleges/Universities—Beyond the Misconceptions of Our Identity
Minority Students in Computer Science—Barriers to Access and Strategies to Promote Participation
“Just Listen to What the Panthers Are Saying”—A History of the Black Panther Party From Its Vision and Perspective
Teaching Safety, Compliance, and Critical Thinking in Special Education Classrooms
Overcoming the Layers of Obstacles—The Journey of a Female African American Physicist to Achieve Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness
Men and Women Against the Other
Sustaining Our Diminishing Teachers of Color in Urban and Suburban Schools—A Crisis of an Othered Identity
What Is It Like to Be a Minority Student at a Predominantly White Institution?
Agnotology and Ideology—The Threat of Ignorance and Whiteness Ideology to Transformative Change
I Can't Breathe—The African American Male With Emotional Disabilities in Education
Action Research, Design Thinking—Consulting at a Trauma-Informed Community School
Students of Color and Anecdotal Pedagogy—A Success Story
The Threat of Downward Assimilation Among Young African Immigrants in U.S. Schools
Perceived Discrimination Among African-American Faculty and the Elliott Kemp Organizational Change Model
“I Didn't Believe Privilege Existed Before This”—Service-Learning in a Multicultural Education Course
Intergenerational Trauma and Other Unique Challenges as Barriers to Native American Educational Success
Navigating Academia Away From Home—Exploring the Challenges of African-Born Academics
Analyzing University Exploitation of Diversity to Legitimize Hiring Discrimination—A Black Woman Professor's Narrative
Impact of Mentoring and Support Programs on Academic Performance of African American Males—Analysis Through a Critical Race Theory Lens
Mapping Mindset and Academic Success Among Black Men at a Predominantly White Institution
Black Joy as Emotional Resistance—A Collaborative Auto-Ethnography of Two Black Queer Married Academics as Contingent Labor
Race, Imposter Thoughts, and Healing—A Black Man's Journey in Self-Discovery While Working at a PWI
Cultural Diversity in Online Learning—Perceptions of Minority Graduate Students
Promoting the Representation of Historically Disadvantaged Students—What Educational Leaders Need to Know
Repressive Tolerance and the “Management” of Diversity
Life Context Model, Intersectionality, and Black Feminist Epistemology—Women Managers in Africa
Understanding the Attrition Rates of Diverse Teacher Candidates—A Study Examining the Consequences of Social Reproduction
Equity, Equality, and Reform in Contemporary Public Education—Equity, Equality, and Reform
DACA-Mexico Origin Students in the United States-Mexican Borderlands—Persistence, Belonging, and College Climate
Liberty Needs Glasses—A Critical Race Theory Analysis of a Culture of Miseducation in the Intersection of Power, Privilege, and Positionality
“I Will Never Look at This Movie the Same Again”—Using Critical Literacy to Examine Popular Culture Texts Helps Adolescents Critique Social Issues
My Skin Color Is Not Mi Pecado
Multicultural Literature as Critical Literature—Redefine the Trajectory for Black Students
Critical Examination of Tokenism and Demands of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Faculty Women of Color
WOKE—Advocacy for African American Students
The Research Process and Indigenous Epistemologies