Practical Hadoop Security

  • 3h 40m
  • Bhushan Lakhe
  • Apress
  • 2014

Practical Hadoop Security is an excellent resource for administrators planning a production Hadoop deployment who want to secure their Hadoop clusters. A detailed guide to the security options and configuration within Hadoop itself, author Bhushan Lakhe takes you through a comprehensive study of how to implement defined security within a Hadoop cluster in a hands-on way.

You will start with a detailed overview of all the security options available for Hadoop, including popular extensions like Kerberos and OpenSSH, and then delve into a hands-on implementation of user security (with illustrated code samples) with both in-the-box features and with security extensions implemented by leading vendors.

No security system is complete without a monitoring and tracing facility, so Practical Hadoop Security next steps you through audit logging and monitoring technologies for Hadoop, as well as ready to use implementation and configuration examples--again with illustrated code samples.

The book concludes with the most important aspect of Hadoop security – encryption. Both types of encryptions, for data in transit and data at rest, are discussed at length with leading open source projects that integrate directly with Hadoop at no licensing cost.

Practical Hadoop Security:

  • Explains importance of security, auditing and encryption within a Hadoop installation
  • Describes how the leading players have incorporated these features within their Hadoop distributions and provided extensions
  • Demonstrates how to set up and use these features to your benefit and make your Hadoop installation secure without impacting performance or ease of use

What you’ll learn

  • Understand your options for implementing Hadoop user security
  • Learn how to configure and set up security for your Hadoop cluster
  • Set up Hadoop audit logs, Hadoop metrics, monitoring technologies and related products
  • Configure and set up logging, metrics and monitoring for your Hadoop cluster
  • Discover and implement encryption for data in transit and data at rest
  • and much more.

About the Author

Bhushan Lakhe is a Database Professional, Technology Evangelist and avid blogger residing in windy city of Chicago. After graduating in 1988 from one of India's leading universities (Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani), he started his career with India's biggest software house Tata Consultancy Services. Shortly sent to UK on database assignment, he joined ICL, a British computer company and worked with prestigious British clients on various database assignments. Moving to Chicago in 1995, he worked as a Consultant with Fortune 50 companies in Chicago area including Leo Burnett, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, CNA Insurance, ABN AMRO Bank, Abbott Laboratories, Motorola, JPMorgan Chase and British Petroleum, often in a critical and pioneering role.

After a 7 year stint at IBM (recipient of prestigious Gerstner award for 2012) executing successful Big Data (as well as Data Warehouse) projects for their clients; Bhushan is currently working with Unisys Corporation, helping their clients with Data Warehouse & Big Data implementations. Bhushan is active in the Chicago Hadoop community and regularly answers queries on various Hadoop user forums.

In this Book

  • Understanding Security Concepts
  • Introducing Hadoop
  • Introducing Hadoop Security
  • Open Source Authentication in Hadoop
  • Implementing Granular Authorization
  • Hadoop Logs: Relating and Interpretation
  • Monitoring in Hadoop
  • Encryption in Hadoop