PHP: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development
- 3h 31m
- Robin Nixon
- McGraw-Hill/Osborne
- 2015
Based on the author's successful online courses, this complete, integrated learning tool provides easy-to-follow lessons that feature clear explanations, sample code and exercises, and video tutorials.
Each lesson is designed to take you less than an hour to complete.
PHP: 20 Lessons to Successful Web Development covers the basics, including constants, superglobals, operators, and arrays. Next, you'll learn how to work with multidimensional arrays, write functions, manipulate objects, build web forms, manage security, use Ajax, and much more. Altogether, the book and almost five hours of video training make learning PHP easier than ever!
About the Author
Robin Nixon is an experienced web developer, author, and teacher, with over 30 years' experience. He has written more than 500 articles and almost 30 books, including The Web Developer's Cookbook, HTML5 for iOS and Android: A Beginner's Guide, Plug-In CSS, Plug-In JavaScript, and Plug-In PHP.
In this Book
PHP—20 Lessons to Successful Web Development
Introduction to PHP
Incorporating PHP into a Web Page
Learning PHP Language Syntax
Using Constants and Superglobals
Working with Arithmetic Operators
Applying Comparison and Logical Operators
Creating Arrays
Managing Multidimensional Arrays
Calling Array Functions
Advanced Array Manipulation
Controlling Program Flow
Looping Sections of Code
Writing Functions
Manipulating Objects
Handling Errors and Expressions
Building Web Forms
Maintaining Security
Accessing Cookies and Files
Advanced File Handling
Authentication, Sessions, and Ajax
Answers to the Self-Test Questions