People, Risk, and Security: How to Prevent Your Greatest Asset from Becoming Your Greatest Liability

  • 3h 55m
  • Lance Wright
  • Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
  • 2017

Lance Wright shows why business in the 21st century requires a new understanding of the intersection of risk, security, and human resource management. He argues that these areas should no longer be considered separate processes, handled by technical specialists with limited spheres of expertise. People, risk and security management should be treated as a critically important integrated business management system.

People may be your greatest asset – but they can also be your biggest liability.

They expose you to all sorts of risks – risks from things they can do (or fail to do) and from things that can be done to them. No matter how tight a risk and security management policy may be in theory, it can fail on its first contact with reality if it doesn’t understand the people involved.

Wright understands people, risk and security like few others. For years he was in charge people management for leading oil companies – getting people into and out of some of the most dangerous and hostile work environments on the planet – and keeping them safe while they were there. Then he was responsible for a private army, literally licenced to kill, guarding nuclear submarines that were being decommissioned as part of the Megatons to Megawatts program.

Risk is more than a set of formulas. Security is more than guns, gates, and badges. Both ultimately come down to the people you are responsible for. One day, the depth of your understanding of that connection may what stands between you and disaster.

About the Author

Lance Wright is a Washington DC based management consultant and former international energy executive with a broad global business experience at the highest executive levels. Previously, Lance was senior vice-president human resources and administration for USEC Inc (now Centrus Energy), a global energy company. In addition to serving as the chief human resources officer, Lance was also responsible for the corporation’s highly sensitive and classified information technology and security functions. Before that, the majority of Lance’s career was spent with two leading oil and gas multinationals - Saudi Aramco and Exxon Mobil. Lance has held senior management positions in Saudi Arabia, Belgium, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Rethinking People, Risk, and Security
  • The Causes of New Threats
  • Managing the People Risks to Organizations
  • A Primer on Political Risk and Terrorism
  • Managing Cyber Security
  • Economic Espionage and Business Intelligence
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Managing Crisis and Disaster
  • Planning for Pandemics
  • Effective Substance Abuse Programs
  • Reducing Workplace Violence
  • The New World of Corporate Security
  • Conclusion