Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites, Fourth Edition
- 14h 6m
- Michele Walters, Richard L. Robertson
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2017
Pediatric Radiology: The Requisites focuses on new and emerging trends in pediatric imaging, with expanded content in all core clinical areas. The authors are prominent pediatric radiologists with extensive clinical experience in each of the subspecialty areas covered. Ideal for all radiology residents and practitioners, including specialists and any general radiologist who images children, this book also features coverage of the increasingly important aspects of communication and interpersonal relations with the patient, family, and members of the entire healthcare team.
About the Author
Michele Walters, MD, Staff Pediatric Radiologist, Physician Director of Satellite Imaging, Boston Children’s Hospital; Instructor in Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Richard L. Robertson, MD, Chair, Department of Radiologist, Staff Neuroradiologist, Boston Children’s Hospital, Associate Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School Boston, Massachusetts
In this Book
Chest Imaging
Cardiac Imaging
Gastrointestinal Imaging
Hepatobiliary, Pancreas, and Spleen Imaging
Genitourinary Imaging
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Brain Imaging
Spine Imaging
Head and Neck Imaging