Non-market Strategies in International Business: How MNEs capture value through their political, social and environmental strategies

  • 4h 50m
  • Roger Strange, Steven McGuire, Vikrant Shirodkar
  • Springer
  • 2019

This book provides theoretical and empirical insights into non-market political and social strategies that firms use when conducting international business. Political strategies include activities such as lobbying, campaign contributions, and using political ties and connections as a means of influencing policy making. Likewise, firms also engage in various social responsibility activities to maintain a good image in society and to improve their legitimacy and reputation when operating globally. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) face various challenges in implementing non-market strategies due to institutional differences between their home and host contexts. Presenting fresh perspectives from a cast of international contributors, this book offers academics, students, and practitioners a greater understanding of how non-market strategies can be effective in international business.

About the Authors

Vikrant Shirodkar is Senior Lecturer in International Business at the University of Sussex Business School, UK. His research has appeared in leading journals, such as the British Journal of Management, International Business Review, Management International Review, Journal of International Management, and Journal of Business Ethics. Vikrant is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Executive Committee Member of the Academy of International Business UK and Ireland (AIB UK&I) chapter.

Steven McGuire is the Dean Professor of Business and Public Policy at the University of Sussex Business School, UK. He taught at Aberystwyth University, the University of Bath, and has been a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe. Professor McGuire is currently researching the impact of the European Union’s trade agreements as part of a major Horizon 2020 project, RESPECT.

Roger Strange is a Professor of International Business at the University of Sussex Business School, UK, having previously been a Professor of International Business at King’s College London. His research has appeared in leading journals, such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Management International Review, and Journal of Management Studies.

In this Book

  • Series Editors’ Foreword
  • MNEs, Organizational Legitimacy, and the Need for Non-Market Strategies
  • Non-Market Strategies within Conflicting Institutional Pressures—The Case of Western Multinationals in a Post-Socialist Context
  • Balancing to Utopia—Multinationals in Oligarchies
  • Political Strategies of Multinational Companies in Managing Uncertainty—Lessons from Brexit
  • Organizational Political Ideology, Host Country Institutions, and Impact on Employee Outcomesa
  • Tracing the Global Diffusion of Corporate Social Responsibility—The Example of Business in the Community’s CSR Framework
  • Shifting Paradigms in the Postnational Constellation—A Deliberative View on the Role of the Firm
  • Determinants of Environmental Standards Adoption by Multinational Corporations—A Review of Extant Literature
  • Impact of Adoption of Environmental Standards on Firm Value in the Chinese Market
  • Cultural Diversity, Strategic Alliance Configurations, and Ecological Innovations of MNEs
  • Correction to—Non-Market Strategies in International Business