MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Rationalizing Yourself Out of a Promotion

  • 3m
  • Morela Hernandez
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2018

Imagine this: A successful female executive is encouraged by her supervisor to apply for a promotion. The promotion would come with higher pay, higher status, and greater responsibility. It is the logical next step in her career path.

But as the executive reads the job description, she hesitates. She thinks of all of the ways that the promotion will not be a good fit. Ultimately, she convinces herself that the promotion will not make her happy. She takes herself out of the application process before it ever begins.

Sound familiar? If this isn’t something you’ve experienced, you likely know a woman who has.

About the Author

Morela Hernandez is an associate professor of business administration at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia. The Darden School is on Twitter at @dardenmba. Links to Hernandez’s work are available at

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Rationalizing Yourself Out of a Promotion