MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Overcoming the Innovator's Paradox

  • 17m
  • Jeff Dyer, Mike Hendron, Nathan Furr
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2020

Although many people say they like radical ideas, the greater the risk and uncertainty, the more skittish potential supporters become. Fortunately, there are strategies for breaking through.

Having a great idea is essential to innovation, but that’s only half of what’s needed. Securing the resources to implement the idea is just as important — and potentially more difficult. The inventor Nikola Tesla, for example, came up with several transformative ideas — for electric induction motors, wireless telegraphy, radios, and remote control — but he died penniless because he couldn’t line up the resources to commercialize them. In contrast, Thomas Edison, arguably less brilliant, died wealthy and famous because he was good at both coming up with ideas and winning the necessary support to turn them into reality.

About the Author

Jeff Dyer (@jeffrey_dyer) is the Horace Beesley Professor of Strategy at Brigham Young University. Nathan Furr (@nathan_furr) is a strategy and innovation professor at INSEAD. Mike Hendron is an associate teaching professor of entrepreneurship at Brigham Young University.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Overcoming the Innovator’s Paradox