MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Leading with Digital Technology

  • 1h
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2018

How can executives lead their companies through a process of digital transformation? What do emerging digital technologies mean for existing business models, processes, and jobs?

In this collection of articles, you'll learn:

  • about the benefits of becoming a digitally mature organization
  • how AI can offer competitive advantage to an organization
  • why using recommendation networks—and viewing marketing through this lens—creates an effective channel for reaching customers
  • about the pros and cons of large-scale blockchain implementation
  • how MetLife responded to digital macroeconomic pressures
  • about new roles created by AI

Learn more about MIT SMR.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Achieving Digital Maturity: Adapting Your Company to a Changing World
  • Five Management Strategies for Getting the Most From AI
  • The Power of Product Recommendation Networks
  • Seeing Beyond the Blockchain Hype
  • MetLife Centers Its Strategy on Digital Transformation
  • The Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Create