MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Leading Across Cultures

  • 1h 18m
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2018

How can you be an effective leader across different cultures? What management styles are best in an increasingly diverse workplace?

In this collection of articles, you'll learn:

  • why businesses should learn about different cultural and business models
  • how to trade within the Chinese market
  • how to make money in India
  • how gender influences business
  • how to implement a cultural revolution
  • why new management standards are pivotal
  • why executive diversity is important
  • how culture hubs can facilitate international business

Learn more about MIT SMR.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Rethinking the East Asian Leadership Gap
  • Negotiating With Chinese Investors
  • Mastering the Make-in-India Challenge
  • The Upside of Being a Woman Among ‘Bros’
  • How to Change a Culture—Lessons From NUMMI
  • The Need for Culture Neutrality
  • How Global Is Your C-Suite?
  • On the Rocky Road to Strong Global Culture