MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Human Diversity Will Save Your Job From the Robot Takeover

  • 3m
  • Ayanna Howard
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2022

Robots have long been celebrated as ideally situated to take over society’s most dirty, dull, and dangerous jobs, from robot vacuum cleaners (dirty) to manufacturing robots (dull) to military robots (dangerous). All those roles, of course, were at one point held by people, and people in those functions will continue to be replaced by robots.

But they won’t be alone: Jobs that classically don’t fit into the “three D’s” work category — dirty, dull, and dangerous — are also being eyed as opportunities for robot workers. Many roles are being reimagined and redefined, with technology substituting for human power. They include positions in the rehabilitation field (with the use of wearable mechanical exoskeletons replacing the manual labor of physical therapists) and in the package delivery field (with the use of drones and self-driving cars replacing human drivers).

About the Author

Ayanna Howard (@robotsmarts) is dean of the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University.

Learn more about MIT SMR.

In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on Human Diversity Will Save Your Job From the Robot Takeover