MIT Sloan Management Review Article on From Glass Ceilings to Glass Cliffs: A Guide to Jumping, Not Falling

  • 7m
  • Keith D. Dorsey
  • MIT Sloan Management Review
  • 2023

Some statistics suggest that the glass ceiling and barriers to diverse professionals’ advancement (sometimes called bamboo or concrete ceilings) may be weakening. A 2021 report indicates that the proportion of women in senior management roles globally grew to an unprecedented 31%, while 90% of companies worldwide have at least one woman in a senior management role.

But the proportion of diverse employees in the workforce continues to dwindle as we look up the corporate ladder. Researchers from McKinsey and Lean In found that in 2022, only 26% of C-suite roles were held by women and only a tiny fraction — 5% — by women of color.

About the Author

Keith D. Dorsey, Ed.D., is a managing partner and the U.S. practice leader of CEO and Board Services at Boyden, a global executive search firm. He built his career as a turnaround (glass cliff) specialist in corporate America and writes on issues related to diversity, governance, and strategic growth for private and public corporations and boards.

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In this Book

  • MIT Sloan Management Review Article on From Glass Ceilings to Glass Cliffs—A Guide to Jumping, Not Falling