Lean Human Resources: Redesigning HR Processes for a Culture of Continuous Improvement

  • 3h 39m
  • Cheryl M. Jekiel
  • CRC Press
  • 2011

Encouraging a long overdue shift in thinking, this book gives managers and executives the means to maximize employee potential by first showing them how to increase the improvement power of their HR departments. Cheryl M. Jekiel, who has been implementing Lean initiatives out of HR offices for 20 years, defines the people-related approaches and practices needed to alter any cultural dynamic that keeps employees from leveraging their peak abilities. She looks at why so many companies allow this sort of waste to exist, how traditional HR departments have not been especially effective in combating waste, and why today’s HR department should be seen differently, as a partner delivering exceptional customer service to employees.

Everyone Needs to Learn and Improve Everyone Needs to Participate and Be Involved

Ultimately, lasting change requires evolution in an organizational cultural and to achieve such change requires definitive changes in behavior. To ensure that changes are properly paced and effectively put into operation, the book puts forth a proven five-year plan that includes the building of improvement-linked competencies into each job.

Everyone Can Lead with the Customer in Mind Lead by Teaching and Coaching Lead by Creating More Leaders

A final section is designed especially for CEOs who must address their own views of HR before addressing improvement. They must recognize that Lean HR strategies and methods can be used to create a highly motivating place to work, and that anything less would be a waste of talent. To begin, an organization must realize the value of its HR staff and put it to use implementing improvement that is organic, fundamental, and self perpetuating.

About the Author

Cheryl M. Jekiel is Vice President of Human Resources for the Flying Food Group. Jekiel leads the Human Resources Department including all corporate benefits, compensation and policy issues, while providing direction and leadership to human resources function in 16 unionized non-unionized domestic units.

Ms. Jekiel brings a tremendous passion for continuous improvement in her commitment to building Lean HR as a recognized field of work. She has over 20 years of manufacturing experience. Previously, Ms. Jekiel worked for a Chicago food manufacturer as the director of Human Resources and completed her employment by serving for five years as the Chief Operating Officer. Ms. Jekiel has developed an expertise in Lean manufacturing with a particular focus on Lean cultures. Ms. Jekiel has made countless significant improvements in reducing operating costs and leveraging a Lean culture to obtain new business. Her Lean experience has been greatly enhanced with her active involvement with the Association of Manufacturing Excellence (AME), which has included board roles for the National board as well as a Regional Midwest Board.

In this Book

  • Lean Human Resources—Redesigning HR Processes for a Culture of Continuous Improvement
  • Introduction
  • Wasting Employee Talent
  • Attempts to Create an Improvement Culture Often Fail
  • Keeping HR in the Background Is a Business Problem
  • A New Vision for HR
  • Providing Better Service for Your Organization by First Improving HR Processes
  • Success through Powerful People Strategies
  • Changing Employee Attitudes and Daily Behaviors
  • Lessons on Culture Implementations for Lean HR
  • Policies, Communications, and Celebrations Need to Reflect Your Organization’s Values
  • Can Attitudes Be Measured?
  • Optimize Each Job
  • Job Analysis for the Future
  • Linking the Four Core HR Processes To the Overall Business Strategy
  • A Five-Year Plan for Change
  • The Benefits of Motivating the Human Spirit


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