How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress: How Leaders and Their Employees Can Protect Their Sanity and Productivity from Tension and Turf Wars

  • 3h 40m
  • Anna Maravelas
  • Career Press, Inc.
  • 2005

An alarming 88% of Americans cite hostility, desk-rage, and workplace incivility as top concerns. How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress will help executives, supervisors, and managers-and the people that work for them-protect pride, profit and productivity from these disabling emotions. Protect your career and workplace from the hidden costs of workplace tension and hostility.

With How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress, you will learn how to:

  • Handle the daily onslaught of frustration without losing momentum, mood or confidence.
  • Avoid the conflict and cynicism that drains profits, resources, and relationships.
  • Discover why anger makes people irrational, lonely, and depressed and how to quickly calm agitated colleagues and customers.
  • Experience the fiscal and personal benefits of being "hard on the problem and soft on the people."
  • Replace bitterness about the past with shared responsibility for the future.
  • Create a blame-resistant, emotionally resilient workforce.

How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress is the insider's guide to achieving fiscal and emotional successes that energize and sustain workforces. For more than a decade, these universal principles have saved organizations millions of dollars.

About the Author

Anna Maravelas, of, is an expert in restoring trust and enhancing profitability. She consults and delivers hundreds of keynotes and seminars in the U.S. and abroad. Her clients include Fortune 500 companies, police departments, government bodies, and family-owned businesses. Her work has been featured on numerous business radio shows and in a variety of print media.

In this Book

  • How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress—How Leaders and Their Employees Can Protect Their Sanity and Productivity From Tension and Turf Wars
  • Introduction
  • The Self-Defeating Habits of Otherwise Brilliant People: Getting Duped by the Dazzle of Contempt
  • Anger Makes You Stupid, Lonely, and Depressed: The Stinky Twins—Blaming Others, Blaming Self
  • Curiosity Makes You Smart, Sexy, and Successful: The Most Important Habit You Bring to the Table
  • Unspoken Reasons, Hidden Realities: Stories That Stick
  • Intelligent Fools: The Hidden Price Tags of Irritability and Contempt
  • A Touch of Genius and a Lot of Courage: How to Unplug From Resentment, Stress, and Mistrust
  • If I’m Not Part of the Problem, There Is No Solution: Breaking Cycles of Contempt
  • Hard on the Problem, Soft on the People: The True Causes of Workplace Conflict and Stress
  • There Are Two Dogs Inside of Every Man: The One That Dominates Is the One That’s Fed
  • You Can Be Effective or Self-Righteous—Pick One: Five Smart Reasons to Ditch Hostility and Blame
  • Creating Cultures of Appreciation: Respect, Pride, and Fiscal Responsibility