Getting to Diversity: What Works and What Doesn't

  • 5h 18m
  • Alexandra Kalev, Frank Dobbin
  • De Gruyter Inc
  • 2022

Management experts Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev sift through decades of data to show why workplace diversity training fails and what works. Arguing that it’s time to focus on changing systems rather than individuals, the authors make data-driven recommendations for diversifying management and creating workplaces where everyone can thrive.

About the Author

Frank Dobbin is Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Harvard University. His books include Inventing Equal Opportunity and The Global Diffusion of Markets and Democracy (with Beth Simmons and Geoffrey Garrett).

Alexandra Kalev is Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University. Her award-winning paper “Cracking the Glass Cages?” shows how reducing segregation helps women and people of color to display their talents and move into management.

In this Book

  • Introduction—A Dream Delayed
  • Rethink Diversity and Harassment Training
  • Don't Count on Rules to Stop Bias and Harassment: They Can Backfire
  • Democratize Recruitment: Cast a Wider Net
  • Open Networks Up: Mentoring, Teams, and Employee Resource Groups
  • Democratize Training: Rethink Skill, Management, and Cross-Training
  • Work-Life Help for Everyone: Flextime, Leave, and Childcare
  • Bake in Systems Change: Diversity Managers, Task Forces, and Goals
  • Conclusion—Changing Workplaces for Good
  • Notes