Get Along, Get It Done, Get Ahead: Interpersonal Communication in the Diverse Workplace

  • 2h 34m
  • Geraldine E. Hynes
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2015

This book goes beyond descriptions of culture-bound business practices or prescriptions for valuing diversity. Because intercultural dynamics take place in domestic as well as multinational companies, all business professionals must be competent in interpersonal communication.

This practical approach presents techniques for managers to reduce diversity miscues, strategies to respond to uncomfortable conversations, and innovative ways to bridge cultural gaps. Managers will learn how to build rapport and promote constructive behaviors in a diverse work environment. The book also offers guidelines for communicating internally as well as with external stakeholders, including a section on how to develop employees’ communication competencies through formal training.

About the Author

Geraldine E. Hynes, PhD, is a professor in the College of Business Administration, at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in business communication, managerial communication, intercultural communication, and professional speaking since 1988. Dr. Hynes is also a communication consultant and contract trainer for business, government, and nonprofit organizations. Her award-winning research has been published in scholarly journals and books in several countries.

In this Book

  • Diversity Appreciation
  • Cultural Competence
  • The Sequence for Success
  • Strategies for Finding Out What's Going On
  • Strategies for Strengthening Work Relationships
  • Strategies for Communicating Job Expectations
  • Strategies for Giving Corrective Feedback
  • Strategies for Managing Conflict
  • Strategies for Detecting Deception
  • Trends in the Global Work Environment
  • Strategies for Thriving in Tomorrow's Global Workplace