DISC for Leaders

  • 1h 1m
  • Tony Alessandra
  • Tony Alessandra
  • 2011

Would you like to increase—substantially increase —your compatibility with other people? Can you imagine the ways this might benefit you in your career, your day-to-day dealings with people, and in your closest personal relationships?

Our characteristic Styles or patterns of relating to others determine the ease with which we build relationships. Most of our behavioral patterns are established early in life through the influence of peers, education, parents, authority figures, and our environment. Throughout our lives, a variety of behavioral patterns are reinforced and become habits. While our habits make us fairly predictable, everyone has different habits. That's what keeps relationships interesting and challenging!

The DISC Platinum Rule assembles a number of simple tools that can easily be applied to improve both business and interpersonal relationships. This handbook is not intended to provide an in-depth psychological examination of human behavior; instead, it offers guidelines for understanding and adjusting to the differences in people, through observation of their behaviors. The tools presented here will enable you to see yourself and your world through someone else's eyes and ears, and that can go a long way toward building compatibility!

The DISC Platinum Rule will show you how to "Do unto others the way they want and need you to do unto them" by teaching you to:

  • UNDERSTAND that although each individual's personality is as unique as his or her thumbprint, many behaviors can be positioned within a systematic, predictable framework.
  • IDENTIFY how a person's behavioral patterns influence what that person wants, needs, and expects from you and others, as well as how that person communicates those wants, needs, and expectations. People will actually tell you how to deal with them if you know what to listen and look for.
  • ADAPT to people in a way that will reduce tension and increase cooperation and trust in all varieties of relationships.

It is my belief that people will show you—actually teach you—how they prefer to be treated if you will listen to what they have to say, watch what they do, and be willing to accommodate possible differences between their Styles and your own. It's not hard! And the rewards in terms of productive, trusting relationships can be substantial in many areas of your life.

About the Author

Dr. Tony Alessandra has a street-wise, college-smart perspective on business, having been raised in the housing projects of NYC to eventually realizing success as a graduate professor of marketing, entrepreneur, business author, and hall-of-fame keynote speaker. He earned a BBA from the Univ. of Notre Dame, an MBA from the Univ. of Connecticut and his PhD in marketing from Georgia State University.

In addition to being president of Assessment Business Center, a company that offers online 360 assessments, Tony is also a founding partner in The Cyrano Group and Platinum Rule Group—companies which have successfully combined cutting-edge technology and proven psychology to give salespeople the ability to build and maintain positive relationships with hundreds of clients and prospects.

Dr. Alessandra is a prolific author with 18 books translated into 49 foreign language editions, including the newly revised, best selling The NEW Art of Managing People (Free Press/Simon & Schuster, 2008); Charisma (Warner Books, 1998); The Platinum Rule (Warner Books, 1996); Collaborative Selling (John Wiley & Sons, 1993); and Communicating at Work (Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 1993). He is featured in over 50 audio/video programs and films, including Relationship Strategies (American Media); The Dynamics of Effective Listening (Nightingale-Conant); and Non-Manipulative Selling (Walt Disney). He is also the originator of the internationally-recognized behavioral style assessment tool—The Platinum Rule.

Recognized by Meetings & Conventions Magazine as "one of America's most electrifying speakers," Dr. Alessandra was inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame in 1985 and is a member of the Speakers Roundtable, a group of 20 of the world's top professional speakers. Tony's polished style, powerful message, and proven ability as a consummate business strategist consistently earn rave reviews and loyal clients.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Behavioral Characteristics
  • Behavioral Styles
  • How to Identify the Styles
  • Relationship Compatibility
  • Behavioral Adaptability
  • Leadership
  • Team Building
  • Conclusion


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