Cross-Cultural Management

  • 3h 19m
  • Veronica Velo
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2012

The book offers an introduction to cross cultural management through an exploration of the major theories that have been developed in the fields of business anthropology and international management. An introduction to the concept of culture will be followed in subsequent chapters by the comparative description of different typologies which will be used to explain various expected behaviours in intercultural business settings. This will be followed by an introduction of the fundamental issues in cross-cultural management: what is culture, how can we describe it, to what extent is it important in international business?

About the Author

Veronica Velo of France is the Founder & Director of Veronica Velo & Associates, and is Head of Marketing and International Affairs Bachelor at Ecole de Management de Normandie.

In this Book

  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Cross-Cultural Management
  • Chapter 2: Frameworks for Cultural Analysis—The Cultural Dimensions of Geert Hofstede
  • Chapter 3: Frameworks for Cultural Analysis According to Fons Trompenaars
  • Chapter 4: Other Frameworks for Cultural Analysis
  • Chapter 5: National Culture Versus Corporate Culture
  • Chapter 6: Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Chapter 7: Cross-Cultural Negotiations
  • Chapter 8: Cross-Cultural Conflict and Conflict Resolution
  • Chapter 9: Diversity Management—Other Forms of Diversity and Subcultures
  • Chapter 10: Intercultural Perceptions on Ethics
  • Chapter 11: Cross-Cultural Teamwork
  • Chapter 12: Culture and Globalization
  • Notes
  • References