Creating Personal Presence: Look, Talk, Think, and Act Like a Leader

  • 2h 36m
  • Dianna Booher
  • Booher Consultants, Inc.
  • 2011

Personal presence is difficult to define but easy to recognize. People with presence carry themselves in a way that turns heads. When they talk, people listen. When they ask, people answer. When they lead, people follow. Personal presence can help you get a date, a mate, a job, or a sale. It can help you lead a meeting, a movement, or an organization.

Presence is not something you’re born with—anyone can learn these skills, habits, and traits. Award-winning speaker and consultant Dianna Booher shows how to master dozens of small and significant things that work together to convey presence. She details how body language, manners, and even your surroundings enhance credibility and build rapport. You’ll learn to use voice and language to demonstrate competence, deliver clear and memorable messages, and master emotions. You’ll learn to think strategically, organize ideas coherently, and convey to others genuine interest, integrity, respect, and reliability.

About the Author

Dianna Booher’s life work has centered around communication in all its forms: oral, written, interpersonal, and organizational. As the author of forty-five books published in twenty-three countries and sixteen languages, she has traveled the globe talking with clients and organizations on six continents about the communication challenges they face at work and at home. Despite the cultural differences, two things remain the same: Communication is the basic business act. And communication either cements or destroys personal and work relationships.

To improve communication skills, habits, and attitudes dramatically changes life—for an individual, a family, an organization, and a nation. Dianna considers that an exciting and rewarding goal for her communication training firm, Booher Consultants.

Based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, the firm provides communication coaching, training, and consulting to many of the Fortune 500 companies and governmental agencies, including IBM, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, BP, Chevron, Ericcson, Alcatel-Lucent, USAA, Northwestern Mutual, Principal Financial, JPMorgan Chase, PepsiCo, Bayer, JCPenney, the Internal Revenue Service, Army and Air Force Exchange Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the U.S. Navy.

As one who likes to practice what she preaches about personal presence on the stage, Dianna stays busy on the speaking circuit. Successful Meetings magazine has named her to its list of “21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century.” The National Speakers Association has awarded her its highest honor, induction into the Speakers Hall of Fame. Executive Excellence has named her to its list of “100 Top Thought Leaders in America” and “100 Top Minds in Personal Development.”

Dianna’s opinions on critical communication issues are frequently sought by the national media, including Good Morning America, USA Today, Fox, CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, NPR, The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

She holds a master’s degree from the University of Houston.

In this Book

  • Creating Personal Presence — Look, Talk, Think, and Act Like a Leader
  • Preface
  • Why Should You Care?
  • Consider First Impressions Like First Loves
  • Take Stage
  • Channel the Passion
  • Translate Your Body Language to Credibility
  • Don’t Disappear
  • Be Professional, Not Professorial
  • Heed the Highlighter Principle
  • Say the Right Thing at the Right Time and Leave Unsaid the Wrong Thing at the Emotional Moment
  • Abandon Chicken Little, But Stop Sugarcoating
  • Move the Conversation Forward
  • Think Strategically
  • Cut Through the Clutter
  • Take a Point of View
  • Think Like Hollywood
  • Learn to Think on Your Feet Under Pressure
  • Engage Emotionally
  • Master Modesty and Mind Your Manners
  • Lighten Up Without Letting Down
  • Commit to What You Communicate
  • Show Up, Own Up, and Straighten It Up
  • A Final Note
  • Notes
  • Bibliography