Conversational American English: The Illustrated Guide to the Everyday Expressions of American English

  • 1h 58m
  • Betty Birner, Richard A. Spears, Steven Kleinedler
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2011

As a new speaker of English, you may hear some expressions in your daily conversations that you do not understand--yet. McGraw-Hill's Conversational American English will help you learn these expressions, so not only do you know what a person is saying to you, but that you can use the expression yourself! More than 3,000 expressions are organized by theme, so you can find what you are looking for quickly. And each topic is illustrated to further help you understand context.

The book features:

  • Common expressions are batched into 350 themes, ranging from general greetings and asking how someone is, to the more specific needs, like showing disbelief, asking someone’s intentions, and expressions for a forgotten word or name
  • A comprehensive thematic glossary provides an additional means for the learner to locate expressions by key words and concepts

Topics include: Basic Social Encounters, Greetings, Small Talk, Introductions, Ending a Conversation, Good-Byes, Agreeing, Disagreeing Conversational Encounters, Focusing Attention, Launching the Conversation, Making Friends, Complex Matters, Disputes, Discussion and Resolution, Polite Encounters, Prefaces, Communication Barriers

About the Authors

Richard A. Spears, Ph.D. is a former Professor of Linguistics at Northwestern University, and a highly respected lexicographer and author in the field of ESL reference.

Steven R. Kleinedler is a specialist in linguistics and lead author of The American Heritage Science Dictionary.

Betty J. Birner, Ph.D. is a professor at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

Luc Nisset is an experienced illustrator and author of language learning materials.

In this Book

  • Basic Social Encounters
  • Conversational Encounters
  • Polite Encounters
  • Impolite Encounters
  • Visits
  • Miscellaneous Expressions
  • Personal Matters
  • Family Matters
  • Food and Drink
  • Shopping
  • Telephones and Mobile Devices