Conflict Management in the Workplace: How to Manage Disagreements and Develop Trust and Understanding, 3rd Edition

  • 1h 16m
  • Margaret McConnon, Shay McConnon
  • How To Books Ltd.
  • 2008

Our differences define our uniqueness – nationality, culture, gender, beliefs, values and our behaviours. From a very early age, we are aware of those differences, with siblings and peer groups. We may have different abilities, talents, and levels of attractiveness or interest. Those differences define mankind, allow progress and contribute to the dynamics of the world.

We are also aware that those differences contribute to conflict in our world. Each of us is likely to experience some degree of conflict, be it personal, professional, national or international.

Why is it that the very essence of being human contributes directly to the varying degrees of unhappiness, distress and destruction?

Each of us has our own unique window on our world, fashioned by our socialization and our place in history. We have our own needs, defined by our values and beliefs. When needs are not met, or are denied to us, we are in conflict.

This book offers an understanding of the nature of conflict and structures, which enable the reader to negotiate a solution.

It aims to remove the mind-reading syndrome, which often accompanies conflict, and to replace it with open communication, trust and respect and a simple structure, which allows all parties to reach the magic of win–win.

About the Authors

Shay and Margaret McConnon are co-founders of People First, an international training and consultancy group that runs courses on 'Winning Relationships in the Workplace'. They work with leading companies in Europe and the USA.

In this Book

  • Conflict Management in the Workplace—How to Manage Disagreements and Develop Trust and Understanding, 3rd Edition
  • Introduction—Language for Conflict or Co-Operation?
  • How the View Explains our Differences
  • Differences in Personality Types
  • Fight the Difference or Celebrate it?
  • Are You Building a Bridge or a Barrier?
  • Understand and Manage your Feelings
  • Develop Your Skills and Increase Your Choices
  • Four Steps to Resolution
  • Preventing Conflict
  • Bibliography