Business and the Culture of Ethics

  • 2h 26m
  • Quentin Langley
  • Business Expert Press
  • 2020

This book explores business ethics as applied in a modern context including data management, corporate social responsibility, media ethics, and government ethics.

Ethics are not the same as morals. They are contextual and apply to specific relationships. This work explores business ethics as applied in a modern context including data management, corporate social responsibility, media ethics, and government ethics. Drawing on the work of philosophers, the work is nonetheless contemporary and practical.

In this Book

  • How to Use This Book
  • What are Ethics?
  • The Moral Palette
  • Corruption
  • History and Accountability
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Harassment, Discrimination, and Inclusion
  • Animal Welfare and the Environment
  • Compliance and the Culture of Ethics
  • Public Safety
  • The Ethics of Data Management
  • Media Ethics
  • Government Ethics