Building Production-ready Web Apps with Node.js

  • 4h 7m
  • Gireesh Punathil
  • BPB Publications
  • 2021

Learn web application development through design thinking and illustrated use-cases.

Key Features

  • Learn from Node.js community leader to design production-ready applications.
  • Numerous examples and use-cases demonstrate how to create web components of your choice.
  • Covers best practices on writing error-free and high-performant codes for scaling Node.js apps.


'Building Production-ready Web Apps with Node.js' teaches you how a web application works from the inside out with detailed illustrations of the various components. You should be able to use the knowledge to develop new web applications, enhance existing applications, or re-architect applications to meet new workload characteristics or deployment scenarios.

This book, written by a Node.js community leader, walks you through the various aspects of a web application, beginning with platform selection and ending with production problem determination. It offers unique Node.js features that make it a high-performer in IO workloads. The book then walks you through the components of a web application, such as the front-end, back-end, middleware functions, database, and third-party services. There are several real-world case studies and illustrative examples to help you internalize the knowledge easily.

If you read this book, you should be able to apply what you've learned in your current job situation. This book will provide you with the ability to appreciate and rationalize the design considerations of modern web technologies.

What you will learn

  • Learn how to create web app components from zero.
  • Receive expert guidance on optimizing backend components' performance.
  • Develop the ability to convert monolithic applications to microservices.
  • Utilize cutting-edge techniques to reinvent web components for maximum production strength.

Who this book is for

This book is intended for students, mobile developers, application developers, and architects who want to create and redesign web applications. Prior experience with JavaScript programming is preferred but not required.

In this Book

  • Getting Started with the Fundamentals
  • Setting up the Environment
  • Introduction to Web Server
  • Our First Program—Time of the Day Server
  • Common Networking Interfaces of Node.js
  • Major Web Server Components
  • Interacting with Backend Components
  • Implementing Common Website Features
  • Making Our Website Production Grade
  • Best Practices for High Performant Code
  • Debugging Program Anomalies