Assessing External Job Candidates
- 1h 26m
- Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully
- Society for Human Resource Management
- 2009
A practical resource, this reference for HR professionals, line-managers, hiring managers, and business leaders and consultants presents a discussion of different external assessment methods and their strengths and weaknesses. Identifying the primary goal of assessing an external candidate as finding a person who fits the job specifications—as well as screening out the people who will likely be poor performers—this handbook offers techniques for evaluating a hire’s fit with the organization, group, and supervisor and their ability to execute the company’s business strategy. Well-researched and fully documented, this manual explores how to hire employees outside of the company when internal staffing methods are not effective.
About the Authors
Jean M. Phillips and Stanley M. Gully have their doctorates in human resources and are professors of human resource management at Rutgers University. They are the coauthors of Strategic Staffing. They both live in Annandale, New Jersey.
In this Book
Assessing External Job Candidates
External Assessment Goals
External Assessment Methods
Multiple Methods
Reducing Adverse Impact
Assessment Plans
Additional SHRM-Published