All the Leader You Can Be: The Science of Achieving Extraordinary Executive Presence

  • 5h 15m
  • Suzanne Bates
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2016

The book that cracks the code on executive presence: what it is, why it matters, and how you can achieve it.

You know it when you see it. That rare combination of qualities that makes a truly great leader. Until now, executive presence has been hard to define and even harder to develop. But after years of extensive research, executive coach and bestselling author Suzanne Bates and her team have identified the 15 traits you need to be all the leader you can be.

Using the research-based, scientifically-grounded Bates Executive Presence Index―Bates ExPI™―you can assess your ability to influence results and maximize your impact, scientifically and systematically. With this proven approach, you can:

  • Develop your presence in and out of the boardroom
  • Engage, inspire, align, and move others to act and succeed
  • Strengthen teams, drive change, and lead with incredible confidence
  • Make a real and lasting impact on your company, your career, and your life

Bates’ groundbreaking approach to enhancing executive presence is not a one-size-fits-all plan. Since every leader is different, the book shows you how to measure your individual qualities using a three-dimensional model of your character, substance, and style. You’ll discover how perceptions of 15 distinct facets of your leadership style, such as authenticity, integrity, composure, vision, and intentionality, are proven to help you drive results. . You’ll learn how to leverage your strengths, improve your weaknesses, and develop an executive presence that is uniquely your own.

Whether you’re taking on a new executive position, facing new and exciting challenges, trying to build better and stronger team, or developing new emerging leaders within your organization, All the Leader You Can Be has all the guidance you need to achieve extraordinary executive presence.

About the Author

Suzanne Bates is a CEOcoach, author, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), former award-winning television news anchor, and CEO of Bates Communications, Inc. Her books include the bestselling Speak Like a CEO, Motivate Like a CEO, and Discover Your CEO Brand.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Breakthrough—A Research-Based Model of Executive Presence
  • Chapter 2: Character—The Fundamentals That Build Trust and Goodwill
  • Chapter 3: Substance—Qualities That Inspire Others to Go Above and Beyond
  • Chapter 4: Style—The Secret to Getting Others to Get Things Done
  • Chapter 5: Starting a New Role—Executive Presence and Early Wins
  • Chapter 6: Moving Ahead—Executive Presence When Facing New Challenges
  • Chapter 7: Building Teams—Executive Presence in Dynamic Interaction
  • Chapter 8: Leading Change—Executive Presence in Driving Results
  • Chapter 9: Executive Presence for Senior Leaders—The View at (and of) the Top
  • Chapter 10: Executive Presence for High Potentials—The Next Generation
  • Chapter 11: Executive Presence for Women—
  • Chapter 12: Executive Presence and Diversity—It’s a Global World
  • Final Thoughts—How Executive Presence Answers Tomorrow’s Business Challenges


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