Announcing the New Learner Experience: A Revolution in Skillsoft Learning

July 17, 2024 | Activate Learning | 6 min read

In today’s fast-paced world, how we learn and acquire new skills is rapidly evolving. With the ever-growing demands of the modern workforce, learning platforms must stay ahead of the curve and provide experiences that are not only effective but also engaging and personalized. 

We are thrilled to announce the reimagined Skillsoft platform, a significant upgrade designed to meet these needs. This new experience will redefine how you and your team engage with Skillsoft, helping you stay relevant, competitive, and poised for innovation.

Our vision for the Skillsoft experience is built upon three foundational pillars:

  1. Personalized Learning: We aim to deliver tailored, easy-to-find content that meets individual needs. Our new AI-driven features will ensure learners can access the most relevant and practical resources.
  2. Engaging Experiences: With sequenced learning paths and an intuitive design, we want to create an environment that delights learners and encourages repeat visits – helping your learners gain confidence in their skills and apply their knowledge efficiently.
  3. Customer-Centric Design Principles: Leveraging established design standards and generative AI, we focus on practice-based learning to help you meet your business objectives and grow your organization’s skills. 

Our reimagined experience ensures a seamless, engaging, and effective learning experience, significantly boosting learner satisfaction and outcomes. Read on to learn more.

Unlocking Personalized Learning With Ai-Driven Features

At Skillsoft, we believe that learning should be a personalized journey that adapts to learners’ unique preferences, goals, and pace. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all solutions; it’s time to give learners a more innovative, intuitive approach to achieving their career goals.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the heart of our new features, acting as a learner’s guide through the vast information landscape. Here’s how our AI-driven tools will transform the learning experience:

AI Assistant

Our new AI Assistant adapts to each learner’s unique profile, delivering relevant and practical support and content recommendations. Learners can launch it to receive customized learning suggestions tailored to their role, learning history, and course completions. They will get interactive support by conversing with the assistant, asking follow-up questions, and receiving tailored guidance.

AI-Assisted Search

Searching for content has never been this efficient. The AI-Assisted Search feature identifies ambiguous queries, asks for clarification, and suggests more detailed related searches. It provides AI-generated explanations for search queries, enhancing understanding and context. With the AI Assistant enabled, learners can seamlessly click into the assistant for additional information on their search topics.

AI Learning Assistant for Coding Problems

For those subscribed to Codecademy’s Interactive courses, we are thrilled to introduce the AI Learning Assistant. This innovative feature offers real-time support and insights directly within the Skillsoft Percipio platform. The AI Learning Assistant provides immediate support, offering instant feedback and guidance on coding problems without requiring learners to leave their course. It also provides clear explanations of errors and coding concepts as part of the interactive course tasks.

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Creating Engaging Experiences With Sequenced Learning Paths and Intuitive Design

Personalization alone does not guarantee an effective learning experience. To truly engage learners and foster an environment that encourages them to return, we focus on two critical elements: sequenced learning paths and intuitive design.

The Power of Sequenced Learning Paths

Sequenced learning paths are structured educational journeys guiding learners through content logically and progressively. This approach ensures that foundational concepts are mastered before moving on to more complex topics. 

Here’s why sequenced learning paths are so powerful:

  • Building Strong Foundations: Learners start with basic concepts and gradually progress to more advanced material. This step-by-step approach helps solidify their understanding, making it easier to grasp complex ideas later.
  • Reducing Cognitive Overload: Sequenced learning paths prevent learners from being overwhelmed with too much information at once by organizing content into manageable pieces. This helps maintain focus and reduces the likelihood of burnout.
  • Tracking Progress: Structured paths allow learners to track their progress and see how far they’ve come. This can be incredibly motivating and encourages them to continue their educational journey.
  • Personalized Learning: Sequenced learning paths can be tailored to individual needs, providing a customized experience that addresses specific knowledge gaps and learning preferences.

The Importance of Intuitive Design

Even the most well-structured learning paths can fall short if the platform’s design is not user-friendly. Intuitive design ensures learners can easily navigate the content, access resources, and engage with the material. 

Here’s why intuitive design is crucial:

  • Ease of Use: The platform’s intuitive interface minimizes the learning curve. Learners can focus on the content rather than struggling to access it.
  • Engagement: Visually appealing and interactive designs capture learners’ attention and make learning enjoyable. 
  • Accessibility: An intuitive design considers the diverse needs of all learners, including those with disabilities, ensuring everyone has equal access to educational opportunities.
  • Consistency: A consistent design helps learners know what to expect while navigating different modules, reducing confusion and creating a seamless learning experience.

Unveiling Our New Customer-Centric Design

We are thrilled to introduce you to our revamped design experience, crafted with your needs at the forefront. Our commitment to supporting your learning and career development goals has driven us to reimagine every element of our platform. The result? An intuitive, visually engaging, and personalized experience that empowers you to make the most of your time and skills. 

A User-Friendly Home Page

The journey begins the moment you log in. Our home page is designed to be your launchpad. A clean, modern layout offers a snapshot of your progress, upcoming tasks, and personalized recommendations — everything you need is at your fingertips.

Streamlined Navigation

We understand that your time is precious. That’s why we’ve streamlined our navigation to be more intuitive than ever before. Our new, simplified menu structure allows you to effortlessly find what you're looking for, whether it’s a specific course, a resource, or your profile settings. With fewer clicks, you can dive straight into your learning journey.

Personalized Experience

No two learners are the same, and our platform reflects that. By leveraging data-driven insights, we personalize your experience based on your interests, career goals, and learning history. Our recommendations are curated to align with your unique path, helping you discover new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.

Visually Engaging Design

Visuals play a crucial role in how we process information and stay engaged. Our new design is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Rich visuals, interactive elements, and a cohesive color scheme create an immersive experience that keeps you motivated and focused.

Relevant, Sequenced Content

Content is king, but context is queen. Skillsoft journeys are structured learning paths containing one or more tracks, which contain all the required learning content for a specific topic. A journey may also contain introductory or supporting resources as optional content to assist you. To complete a journey, you must complete each item within all the tracks, ensuring you comprehensively understand each subject. As a result, you’ll find it easier to connect the dots and apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios.

Confidence in Application

Ultimately, the goal of any learning platform is to equip you with skills you can confidently apply in your daily work. Our redesigned experience ensures that you acquire new knowledge and understand how to implement it effectively. With clearer pathways and practical insights, you can turn your learning into action and see tangible improvements in your performance.

Maximize Your Time

We know that balancing learning with other responsibilities can be challenging. Our new design helps you maximize your limited time by providing quick access to the most relevant content. Whether you have five minutes between meetings or an hour to dedicate, our platform is optimized to make every second count.

A Reimagined Learning Experience

Our reimagined platform ensures a seamless, engaging, and effective learning experience for your learners. It is poised to significantly boost outcomes as we approach the future of work together. Let us know what your learners think.