Ziglar on Selling: The Ultimate Handbook for the Complete Sales Professional

  • 3h 42m 31s
  • Zig Ziglar
  • Thomas Nelson
  • 2003

Are you versatile, strong willed, organized, enthusiastic, motivated, and have a great attitude? These characteristics will fall into place only if you possess the most important quality of all: a willingness to grow.

Whether you are a beginner in the world of selling or a seasoned professional, you must, as Ziglar points out, continue your pilgrimage "by learning, living, and looking; learning from the past without living there; living in the present by seizing each vital moment of every single day; and looking to the future with hope, optimism, and education".

Ziglar on Selling is brimming with selling fundamentals: taking timeless truths and making them relevant for the new millennium. The techniques and procedures Ziglar presents will not only keep your clients happy and add to your income, but will also add to your intangible income and quality of life.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter One: You Made the Right Choice – A Career in the World's Oldest Profession
  • Chapter Two: Selling in the Modern Market – The Decade of Technology
  • Chapter Three: Finding Someone Willing to Buy – How to Stay in Business in the Profession of Selling
  • Chapter Four: Selling in the Real World – Dealing Effectively with Call Reluctance
  • Chapter Five: Sell by Design, Not by Chance – The Formula for Successful Selling Skills
  • Chapter Six: Questions Are the Answer – Beginning with Need Analysis
  • Chapter Seven: The Conversational “Interrogation” – Conducting the Comfortable Interview
  • Chapter Eight: Making the Lights Go On – Need Awareness for the Sales Pro and the Sales Prospect
  • Chapter Nine: Selling Solutions to People's Problems – Lead with Need
  • Chapter Ten: The ABC's of Closing Sales – A.A.F.T.O. = Always Ask For The Order
  • Chapter Eleven: Closing More Sales More Often – A Q.U.I.E.T. Method for Overcoming Objections
  • Chapter Twelve: Beyond “Customer Service” to “Customer Satisfaction” – Do You Give Up, Clean Up, or Follow Up?
  • Chapter Thirteen: The Glamour of the Road – A Myth of the Selling Profession
  • Chapter Fourteen: The Successful Sales Support System – How the Office and Family Can Empower Your Career
  • Chapter Fifteen: Organization and Discipline – Gaining Control of Your Time and Your Life
  • Chapter Sixteen: Getting the Person Right – Get the Person Right, Then Get the Salesperson Right